How To Use A Condom

How To Use A Condom
How To Use A Condom

If a condom breaks due to an accidental connection with an unfamiliar partner, in order to avoid sexually transmitted diseases, you should contact a special point for personal prevention, which is located at every skin and venereal clinic. A woman will be treated with mercury salts, potassium permanganate, silver nitrate, a man - cidipol and gibitan.

Re-use of condoms is not allowed
Re-use of condoms is not allowed

What is a condom and why is it needed?

A condom, also known as a condom, is a contraceptive device made of ultra-thin but durable rubber that prevents the penetration of male sperm into the female genital tract. At its end, which after putting on should be on the head of the penis, there is a special space for the accumulation of sperm.

There is only one drawback of a condom - this is a decrease in the sensitivity of partners during intercourse. But the advantages are countless because he:

- easy to use;

- an excellent prophylactic agent that saves from sexually transmitted diseases;

- has no contraindications for use in rare cases of male inability to maintain an erection and allergies, including the female vagina, to latex.

In addition, condoms are readily available and inexpensive. Colored and familiar bodily, in a dot, a pimple, smooth and with a mustache - which people just did not come up with for their pleasure.

How to use it, this classic contraceptive?

After checking the expiration date of the condom indicated on the package, it ended up in its owner's pocket.

When choosing a condom, you should also pay attention to the country of origin. Japanese condoms are recognized as the most durable. But cheap, but dubious quality "china" in street tents is not worth buying.

What to do next? In the process of lovemaking with a partner, when the penis becomes sufficiently erect, you should carefully remove the condom from the package and release the air from the top, squeezing it with two fingers.

Do not fully unfold the condom. Holding its tip compressed, the rubber ring must be attached to the head and gradually rolled out to the very base of the penis.

If you are an inexperienced user, practice using a condom without a partner as you experience spontaneous erections. Or instruct your spouse to put on you a condom by including this activity in love games.

Are there any features of removing a condom?

After the end of intercourse, the penis must be carefully removed from the vagina, preventing sperm from the condom from getting onto the partner's genitals. If it was noticed that the integrity of the contraceptive was violated, the woman should drink a special pill or inject a drug into the vagina that neutralizes the effect of sperm (you need to take care of their purchase in advance).

If the condom breaks, and the couple has no use for pregnancy, the woman can take a Postinor pill or introduce Pharmatex, a spermicide for the vagina.

A used condom is by no means reused - it is thrown away, and with the onset of a second erection, a new one is put on. After all sexual intercourse is over, both partners should wash or take a shower.
