The Condom Broke. What To Do In This Case

The Condom Broke. What To Do In This Case
The Condom Broke. What To Do In This Case

If an unfortunate misunderstanding happened in your life in the form of a condom that broke during sex, do not be discouraged! Of course, this is not funny, but the great tragedy has not yet happened.

A torn condom is not a sentence yet
A torn condom is not a sentence yet

What should the girls do in this case?

  1. On the first day after the incident, girls should consult a gynecologist, who will decide which method will be used for emergency contraception (hormonal or non-hormonal).
  2. But what if the condom broke yesterday, and the next appointment with the doctor, for example, only after 10 days? Act! In this case, you will have only 72 hours at your disposal. Go to the pharmacy as soon as possible for a special postcoital contraceptive - a directional pill. Currently, the greatest demand is for pills against pregnancy "Pastinor".
  3. If for some strange reason emergency contraceptives are not available at the pharmacy, use combined oral contraceptives. Any medications containing levonorgestrel are suitable for this. The scheme of admission must be clarified with the pharmacist.

What should the guys do in this case?

In order to avoid potential infection, the guys will definitely need to visit a venereologist. The doctor will certainly help. This must be done as quickly as possible.
