Pregnancy is not always desirable, and people work hard to avoid it. However, it should be understood that no method of protection is one hundred percent.

Step 1
If you do not want to have children yet, you should take care of safe sex. There are a lot of protection methods, but you need to approach them deliberately, and preferably only after consulting with specialists. The most common is the condom, which you can choose without a doctor based on your preference. Currently, it provides the highest percentage of protection, moreover, it does not harm any of the partners, and even helps protect against various sexually transmitted infections (STDs). On the one hand, it is almost an ideal option, but there are also disadvantages of using it: some people are allergic to it, in addition, the sensitivity and, therefore, the very sensations of sex are reduced.
Step 2
Another common method, which does not require special training and financial costs, is coitus interruptus (PA). Its meaning lies in the fact that a man, before ejaculation, pulls out his genital organ, as a result of which sperm does not enter the vagina. But this method is rather unreliable, because firstly, the partner will not always be able to react in time, and secondly, a small amount of sperm is released already during intercourse, and one is enough for conception. This option may be suitable for those who have been together for a long time and in case of pregnancy will not be strongly against it.
Step 3
Another non-hormonal method of protection is the preparation of a calendar with "dangerous days" in which ovulation occurs. But it is only suitable for those who do not have menstrual irregularities, hormonal disruptions and other health problems. These days are calculated either by measuring the basal temperature (in the rectum, in the vagina or in the mouth) - at this time the temperature will be slightly increased, or by counting your cycle, taking the beginning of menstruation for the first day.
Step 4
The way to protect against pregnancy is also the use of different drugs that contain chemicals that destroy sperm cells. They are sold in the form of tablets, suppositories, creams, which are applied deep into the vagina immediately before the start of intercourse. It should be borne in mind that their validity period is rather short, and with repeated sex, the procedure should be repeated. The advantage of this method is a fairly high degree of protection from both pregnancy and STDs. But there is also a negative side - the frequent use of these funds can destroy the natural microflora of the vagina, and therefore, make it defenseless to various microbes.
Step 5
The use of hormonal agents is now very common. Moreover, many people buy them in a pharmacy on the advice of friends or after seeing an advertisement. Of course, modern products contain a minimum amount of hormones, but even with constant use, it can cause irreparable harm to health. If you decide to protect yourself in this way, you should consult a doctor, and only after passing the necessary tests, he will prescribe the most suitable drugs for you that will not cause adverse reactions. They differ in the form of release, the more common are pills that must be drunk every day at the same time, interrupted for a week during menstruation; there are also special plasters that you just need to stick once a month for 3 weeks - they are more convenient, but their effectiveness has not yet been fully studied; there are rings that are worn inside the vagina also for 3 weeks. All this information will be provided to you by a doctor who will help you with the choice. There are also options for introducing hormones inside in the form of a capsule that lasts for several months. It is convenient that you do not need to think about it, but the minus is that if something does not fit, the action of the capsule cannot be canceled.
Step 6
For women who have given birth, such a method as a spiral is also common. It can only be established by a doctor, because independent actions can greatly harm health. Protects this method well, but sometimes causes complications of the cervix, as well as intrauterine pregnancy.
Step 7
It is also possible such a method of protection as sterilization: male or female. It is done surgically under anesthesia and is reversible, i.e. if you wanted to get pregnant, you can always return everything back.
Step 8
In addition to the usual methods of protection against pregnancy, there are also "folk" methods. These include douching, taking hot baths, eating certain foods, etc. Conception also depends on the postures during intercourse - in the upright position, the number of penetrated sperm is much less. But all of these methods are very unreliable.