Is It Possible To Get Pregnant Using A Condom

Is It Possible To Get Pregnant Using A Condom
Is It Possible To Get Pregnant Using A Condom

A condom is not a panacea for unwanted pregnancy. The fact is that even the most popular manufacturers do not guarantee the absence of micro-stretching on latex during a strong mechanical load.

Is it possible to get pregnant using a condom
Is it possible to get pregnant using a condom

Is a condom the best contraceptive?

There is a misconception that a condom is a universal contraceptive that is guaranteed to protect against unwanted pregnancy. In fact, there are a number of reasons why even the most reliable condoms can misfire. In most cases, this is due to the lack of basic use skills and a frivolous attitude towards protecting sexual intercourse.

A condom is the most affordable and popular form of contraception, the main advantage of which is the absence of side effects. However, inexperienced men often do not even bother to read the visual illustrated instructions, fearing to look ridiculous in the eyes of their partner. Therefore, we can say with confidence that it is quite possible to get pregnant using a condom.

If partners do not like the use of condoms, you can turn to other methods of protection - oral contraceptives, hormonal injections, suppositories, intrauterine devices, etc.

Why does a condom break

In most cases, condoms break due to insufficient lubrication in a woman and micro-sprains on latex, which appear due to increased mechanical stress during intercourse. This is especially true with the wrong size of the condom. Do not forget that latex is a porous substance, and therefore short-term stretching can easily cause a small amount of sperm to be released into the vagina, which will cause unwanted pregnancy. Before using it, be sure to look at the date of manufacture of the condom, since using expired contraceptives, sexual partners significantly increase the risk of negative consequences.

Even the best and most popular condom manufacturers do not give consumers an absolute guarantee for mandatory electronic product testing.

Errors when using a condom

Often, unwanted pregnancy occurs as a result of a number of mistakes made by sexual partners. The most common of these is putting on a condom only when you are on the final straight. The fact is that the lubricant of a man, which has the scientific name pre-ejaculate, may contain a small amount of sperm, which will be enough for conception. Therefore, you should put on a condom only at the beginning of sexual intercourse, otherwise the meaning in this method of contraception is lost. Sometimes it happens that the condom falls off during intercourse and remains inside the vagina. This is due to improper use, so inexperienced partners should still start by studying the instructions.
