Is It Possible To Get Pregnant From Male Lubrication

Is It Possible To Get Pregnant From Male Lubrication
Is It Possible To Get Pregnant From Male Lubrication

Most couples in our country still use interrupted intercourse as a means of contraception, without wondering if it is possible to get pregnant from male lubrication or secretions. Pregnancy in this case is almost 45 percent, which is quite a lot. How can a woman get pregnant without sperm entering the uterus directly?

Is it possible to get pregnant from male lubrication
Is it possible to get pregnant from male lubrication

Why do men need lubrication

In a healthy man, with sexual arousal, the so-called pre-ejaculate, a lubricant, begins to stand out. It is necessary for:

1) facilitate vaginal penetration;

2) creating a favorable acidic environment - this is important for the further viability of sperm;

3) cleansing the urethra from the remains of urine and ejaculate from previous sexual contact.

Why you can get pregnant from lubrication

In theory, male lubricant does not contain sperm, since it is produced by a completely different gland. However, such a case should be considered - a man has had sexual intercourse. Even if the partners used protection, it doesn't matter. The remains of the ejaculate, and therefore the sperm, remain in the urethra. Moreover, male reproductive cells can live in the urethra for up to 7 days! Therefore, further any unprotected sexual intercourse will be sufficient for the woman to become pregnant. True, an unfavorable vaginal environment, as well as a mucous plug of the cervix, will stand in the way of sperm. But the strongest cell may well enter the uterus. And if the sperm meets the egg, then the likelihood of getting pregnant from male lubrication is huge.

What is the likelihood of getting pregnant from lubrication

The greatest chance of getting pregnant from lubrication occurs when a woman, moreover, ovulates. In this case, on the contrary, the vaginal discharge becomes more viscous and acidic. This facilitates the easier path of the male germ cells. It is easy to learn about ovulation - during this period, a woman experiences an increase in sexual desire, she may have mild pain in the ovarian area. In addition, most men admit that it is during ovulation that their partner literally blooms and is unusually attracted to them.

As a rule, the sperm residue in the urethra contains a negligible amount of sperm - only a few thousand. However, this will be quite enough for conception.

And one more nuance - not every man can completely control himself during sex. Very often, sperm begins to be released even before orgasm, and the woman will believe that she became pregnant from male lubrication. In any case, PPA cannot be considered a reliable contraceptive.

Why is interrupted intercourse harmful?

First of all, this method of "protection" negatively affects the sexual health of men. Indeed, to finish sex almost a moment before the highest pleasure requires iron endurance and practice. But not only - with PPA there is a high risk of getting a complete disorder of sexual function. The most common occurrence is the appearance of premature ejaculation when sex lasts less than a minute. Another danger is the appearance of potency disorder at the psychological level, which is very difficult to cure.

Of course, there are practically no advantages for a woman either - the constant fear that the partner will make a mistake, as well as the fear of the possibility of getting pregnant from male lubrication - all this makes intimate life nervous and constrained.

Which method of contraception is better

It is best to choose the best method of contraception that suits your particular couple. If you have one sexual partner and are confident in him, then the best option is taking oral contraceptives or the introduction of a spiral (for women who have given birth). Otherwise, you can use a condom and put it on before entering the vagina. Only in this way is 99 percent protection against pregnancy guaranteed. It is important to understand that the chances of getting pregnant from male lubrication or discharge are very high.
