Is It Possible To Get Pregnant From Lubrication, Secretions, Mucus In Men

Is It Possible To Get Pregnant From Lubrication, Secretions, Mucus In Men
Is It Possible To Get Pregnant From Lubrication, Secretions, Mucus In Men

Women are often interested in whether it is possible to become pregnant from lubrication, secretions or mucus that form on a man's penis at the beginning of intercourse. It is worth figuring out how safe it is, and whether partners need to be protected.

Find out if it is possible to get pregnant from lubricants, secretions, mucus in men
Find out if it is possible to get pregnant from lubricants, secretions, mucus in men

It should be clarified right away that it is theoretically possible to become pregnant from lubrication, secretions, mucus in men, but this does not happen in every case, but only under certain circumstances. The so-called lubricant or mucus is a secret secreted by male sex hormones upon arousal, designed to facilitate the insertion of the penis into the vagina. Medical experts have established that such secretions do contain live sperm, but their number is extremely small.

Compared to ejaculation during male orgasm, when millions of motile spermatozoa are ejected, their number in the lubricant is hundreds, or even thousands of times less. It is important to remember that fertilization of an egg is a complex process, and it takes a huge amount of sperm to increase the chances of their passage to the uterus through the harmful environment of the vagina. In addition, during orgasm, sperm splashes out under strong pressure, which also simplifies its passage, while the lubricant only moisturizes the head. Thus, it is highly doubtful that fertilization will come from simple secretions.

And yet there is a chance of getting pregnant from lubrication, secretions, or mucus in men. First of all, such chances are high in men suffering from premature ejaculation or a disorder of the seminal duct. Often, small amounts of their semen are released before orgasm and can be easily confused with lubrication. In addition, the number of sperm in the lubricant can increase significantly if a man has had sexual abstinence for a long time. A similar phenomenon is observed with too long intercourse, when the amount of lubricant (mucus) increases due to strong overexcitation and delaying the moment of orgasm. Sometimes the amount of lubrication is so great that, if the outcome is unsuccessful, it always leads to pregnancy.

Much in the question of the effect of male lubrication on the occurrence of pregnancy depends on the woman herself. As you know, in each menstrual cycle, which lasts about a month, the moment of ovulation occurs - the full maturation of the egg and its readiness for fertilization. Usually ovulation lasts no more than a day, but "dangerous" can be several days before and after this phenomenon. When having sex without protective equipment during this period, even the penetration of a small amount of male lubricant into the vagina can quickly lead to the fertilization of the egg and the onset of pregnancy.

It is important to remember that not all male discharge is a simple lubricant. In some cases, mucus on the penis is a symptom of various sexually transmitted diseases. Thus, the decision to be protected or not during intercourse should be made jointly by a man and a woman on the basis of trust or distrust towards each other. Today, a condom and other types of contraception are some of the safest and easiest ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy, so if you don't know your partner very well and are not sure about him, be sure to use contraceptives.
