Is It Possible To Get Pregnant While Taking Birth Control

Is It Possible To Get Pregnant While Taking Birth Control
Is It Possible To Get Pregnant While Taking Birth Control

Pregnancy should be planned and desired. It would seem that this truth has been reliably learned by all modern girls and women. Otherwise, it destroys both the physical and mental health of the woman. Therefore, today various contraceptive drugs are very popular, helping women to have fun without fear of becoming pregnant accidentally and at the wrong time. However, doctors assure that no one, even the most reliable remedy gives a 100% guarantee.

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking birth control
Is it possible to get pregnant while taking birth control

Modern ladies have in their arsenal a huge number of contraceptives - spirals, ointments, rings, condoms, pills, etc. The appropriate option is chosen solely from their own preferences. For example, condoms and oral contraceptives are among the favorites. They are considered to be as reliable as possible. But at the same time, you should not rely on them entirely either.

Why pregnancy can occur when using contraceptives

With regard to condoms, the mechanism of pregnancy when using them is quite simple. These rubber products often rip, slip off and even remain in the woman's body. Of course, this does not happen every time, but according to statistics, quite regularly.

In this situation, you have to either accept and wait - and suddenly it will carry over, or take emergency contraception. However, doctors do not approve of such methods, tk. the female body suffers greatly.

As for the pills, it seems as if nothing more reliable has been invented yet. In fact, there is a risk of getting pregnant when taking oral contraceptives. This can happen for a variety of reasons.

One of the reasons for the onset of pregnancy when taking contraceptive pills is the wrong selection of the drug. And this is despite the fact that almost all tablets have a similar composition. So, for example, it is enough to buy pills that are intended for lactating women with a lower proportion of hormones, as pregnancy occurs quite soon.

This is attributed to the fact that the lightweight version of contraceptives, unlike conventional ones, does not block ovulation, but only thickens the cervical mucus in the cervix. As a result, it is believed that it is more difficult for sperm to break through, and conception does not occur. In fact, everything here depends on the partner and the mobility of his seed.

Such pills, by the way, are often prescribed not only to nursing mothers, but also to women over 35, especially smokers, as well as to those women who have cardiovascular diseases.

Another reason for the onset of pregnancy when taking pills can be non-adherence to the time of admission. It is believed that skipping a pill for more than 12 hours significantly reduces its contraceptive properties. It is often recommended to observe the barrier method of protection when missing a week, i.e. additionally use condoms.

Also, the contraceptive effect of drugs decreases if a woman has diarrhea or vomiting, which opened 3 hours after taking the pill. Ladies with a weak stomach or severe digestive problems are advised to use other types of drugs - rings, ointments, etc.

Sometimes the decrease in the effectiveness of the contraceptive drug occurs due to its combination with other drugs and even traditional methods of treatment. So, for example, against the background of taking antibiotics, the contraceptive effect, excessive use of vitamin C, extracts of St. John's wort, etc. may decrease.

How pregnancy can threaten while taking contraceptives

Naturally, when a woman finds out about pregnancy while taking contraceptives, this first of all puts her into shock. Then the worries begin about how much she hurt the child.

Doctors say that if a lady finds out that she is pregnant within one pack, i.e. for a period of about 3-4 weeks, she can calm down - there will be no harm to the child.

To avoid problems and nerves, it is better not to start a new pack of the drug if the bleeding has not started at a certain time. First you need to make sure that there is no pregnancy. Moreover, today it is very easy to do this - pregnancy tests are sold in every pharmacy and are inexpensive.
