It is much easier to teach a child to discipline if a mutual understanding has been established between the parents and the baby. Difficult children can constantly test their parents for strength. Parents themselves often suffer from the fact that children do not repent of their bad behavior.

Step 1
Difficult children don't show signs of remorse as often as their parents would like. But the situation will only worsen if adults seek repentance. Children lack emotional maturity and the ability to cope with life's difficulties, so they test adults. If the parents react to this too emotionally, then attempts to discipline the child will not be successful. To avoid such a trap, you need to know that difficult children can also repent.
Step 2
When adults hear about discipline, they often perceive it as a concept - educational measures. This, in turn, means punishment, deprivation of pleasure. Parenting measures alone will not instill in a child a sense of self-esteem, problem-solving skills, self-control, and responsibility. They will not work without the sensitive input of an adult. The method of reliable discipline is based on love and guidance. It is necessary to explain to the child which behavior is considered appropriate and which is not. We must not forget that difficult children need help in understanding how to take responsibility for their actions, learn from their mistakes and treat others well, no matter what.
Step 3
The parent of a difficult child must know how unpredictable the reaction to his behavior can be. And all because too weak or, on the contrary, very harsh educational measures, the child can be regarded as a humiliating punishment. Since difficult children believe that they are on an equal footing with their parents, they begin to protest against the punishment.
Step 4
If the child does not regret his actions or does not recognize them, he directs his anger against the one who applies certain measures or punishments to him. Instead of repenting and not doing this anymore, difficult children not only feel no remorse, but also express their anger. And all due to the fact that pressure from an adult is perceived by a difficult child in a distorted form. In particular, the child proves that he did nothing wrong and that any measures taken against him were unfair.
Step 5
You need to think carefully about how to properly apply educational measures. Punishment is always a controversial decision.