The increased need for vitamins in a pregnant woman is associated with the intrauterine development of the fetus, the formation of which requires organic compounds, mineral salts, fatty acids and many other substances. Their intake should be daily and most of the expectant mother gets from food. But this is often not enough, therefore, in order to avoid vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to take additional vitamins for pregnant women.

Step 1
If pregnancy is planned, start taking folic acid or vitamin B9 in advance. This organic compound is necessary for the normal formation of the brain, nervous and hematopoietic systems in the fetus, as well as for the assimilation of other vitamins. Moreover, vitamin B9 is necessary for the woman herself to maintain her health and the ability to bear the child before the due date. As you become pregnant, continue taking folic acid for the first 16 weeks and then for the last two months. For optimal absorption, take with vitamin B12.
Step 2
From the first days of pregnancy, start taking special prenatal vitamins. Choose one drug from several: Vitrum Prenatal Forte, Materna, Pregnavit, Elevit, Complivit Mama, Multi-Tabs Perinatal. But do not take them throughout your pregnancy. Be sure to take breaks, as any vitamins can accumulate in the body. Oversaturation with them can cause toxic effects, which will adversely affect the fetus.
Step 3
If the condition requires it or there is a doctor's recommendation, take vitamins separately between courses. For example, during the first half of pregnancy, vitamin E is useful (no more than 2 months). You can also drink water-soluble B vitamins. Some of them can be synthesized in the intestinal mucosa. But in order for this to happen, support his normal activities. Prevent constipation and eat a healthy diet. Moreover, compliance with these requirements will help assimilate all other vitamins.
Step 4
In the second half of pregnancy, the need for calcium, iron and magnesium increases significantly. Therefore, take them as separate preparations in addition, but not together and not as part of a multivitamin complex. Despite its balanced composition, the simultaneous intake of a number of vitamins and minerals slows down the absorption of some of them. This is highly undesirable during periods when the need for certain substances is higher than usual.
Step 5
For normal absorption of calcium, choose a complex with vitamins D and C in the composition. Also buy a magnesium supplement in combination with vitamin B6. Be sure to take iron with vitamins B6 and B12.