Schools and kindergartens that close for the summer can create problems for working parents. Fortunately, school camps, as well as traditional Russian and foreign children's camps, help in such cases.

Step 1
School and social day camps are perfect for children whose parents are not ready to let them go somewhere far away. They usually work from nine in the morning to five in the evening. In them, children will be entertained and fed, and the smallest will be put to bed. Only for this you need to bring cots and bed linen for them. If you do not have the opportunity to personally pick up the child from such a camp, he can go home on his own, for this you need to write a statement that you take responsibility for the health and life of your child in this case.
Step 2
In such institutions, children are taken on excursions, they will be interested in collective sports, and they will develop artistic and other talents in specialized circles. For a day in such a camp, you will need to pay from 400 to 800 rubles. The fact is that a significant part of the associated costs is borne by the Social Insurance Fund and the local administration.
Step 3
To send your child to such a camp, you need to collect a minimum set of papers - copies of a medical policy and a birth certificate, a certificate of registration, a medical certificate in form No. 86. The only drawback of day camps is that they only work for three weeks in early summer. They will be interesting mainly for children of younger and middle age.
Step 4
Older children will love traditional camps. There are a huge number of similar establishments, some of them may be devoted to any topic. You can find an interesting camp for your child in almost all regions of the country and abroad. Shifts in traditional camps usually last two to three weeks. All children's camps are divided into commercial and social, the difference between which is significant.
Step 5
A change in a social camp will cost an order of magnitude, or even two cheaper. In such cases, the social insurance fund assumes part of the expenses, although only if the enterprise in which the child's parents work makes contributions to the fund. A ticket to an ordinary camp near Moscow costs twenty thousand rubles on average. Social insurance covers half of this amount. Such a benefit can be obtained once a summer for each child.
Step 6
In social camps, children are accommodated by 4-6 people in a room, the amenities are common, usually located on the floor. The food is simple, but tasty. And the entertainment program for children is very wide - there are costume contests, discos, performances, concerts and much more. Commercial camps differ from social camps in more comfortable living conditions, a variety of entertainment and, of course, cost.