Children And Nature

Children And Nature
Children And Nature

What is the best way to raise your children in an age of technological advancement? How to prevent children from losing touch with nature? To do this, it is necessary to instill in them a love for beauty: for plants, animals and nature in general.

Children and nature
Children and nature

Children and household

Psychologists say that caring for pets, growing plants or studying in a circle of young naturalists will help a child feel a connection with nature, but today most families simply do not have enough time for such upbringing, and they trust such a responsible and important part of education to televisions and computers. Remember that it is vital for your child to spend time outdoors and enjoy the sun.

Go on picnics with your children, create your own unique family traditions in the form of fishing, cycling or playing football in nature. If you are working in a vegetable garden, ask your child to help you throw seeds or put potatoes in the hole. Tell your child about the world around you in an interesting and understandable way. It depends on you and your imagination and aspirations whether the child will love nature or prefer home life to it.

If you do not have a garden or summer cottage, take care of the plants with your child, offer him to grow beans or onions. Believe me, the child will be delighted with the result. You can also try to conduct some semblance of ecological activities with your child, tell him about the rules of survival and behavior in the forest, or arrange a clean-up day. All this will help bring up a respectful attitude towards nature in the child.

Children tourists

According to teachers and doctors, the best way to combat urban life is hiking, but in order for a child to get used to spending time in nature and feel comfortable in the fresh air, it is recommended to send him on “weekend hikes”. In addition, it is advisable to buy him special literature and a backpack with all the necessary things.

Hiking significantly improves a child's confidence and health, and as a result, he becomes physically fit. In addition, he will have new acquaintances and interests.

As practice shows, children who are fond of hiking look much better than their peers in the city. Involvement in nature makes children more resilient, strong and resistant to stress, because from a very early age they will read a lot, travel more and make discoveries. But in order for the child to be fond of hiking in the future, it is necessary to push him. For example, give it to a tourist club, where children live in special camps and go on hikes with teachers.

Raising a child in harmony and peace with nature, you develop in him strength, kindness and responsibility to others. Growing up, children will choose the necessary and prestigious professions, become hardworking and will remember the connection between man and nature for a lifetime.
