Scarlet Fever: Nature, Development And Spread Of Infection

Scarlet Fever: Nature, Development And Spread Of Infection
Scarlet Fever: Nature, Development And Spread Of Infection

Scarlet fever is an infectious disease that can affect both adults and children. Its causative agents are group A streptococci. Scarlet fever is spread by airborne droplets. The disease is dangerous due to complications that can affect the heart, kidneys or central nervous system.

Scarlet fever: nature, development and spread of infection
Scarlet fever: nature, development and spread of infection

The causative agents of scarlet fever

The causative agent of this dangerous infectious disease is streptococcus, which has a complex antigenic structure. According to its serological group, it belongs to A, which plays the main role. In total, group A includes about 60 types of bacteria. It is believed that all of them can provoke scarlet fever.

The main danger is that group A streptococci produce toxins consisting of two fractions. One of these fractions also causes an allergic reaction. Bacteria of this group are distinguished by increased vitality, they are relatively resistant to drying out and exposure to low temperatures. But temperatures above +56 degrees cause their mass death, just like conventional disinfectants.

Disease development

The incubation period of the disease is usually 5-7 days. The first clinical manifestations look like a common sore throat, which may be accompanied by rhinitis, sinusitis and purulent otitis media, which increases the duration of the period when the patient is especially dangerous to others. In some cases, people who are in close contact with a sick person, without becoming infected themselves, become disseminators of the infection.

As a rule, scarlet fever begins suddenly, with a sharp rise in temperature. The disease is accompanied by general weakness and malaise, palpitations and headaches. Almost immediately, a sore throat appears, making it difficult to swallow. In addition to the clinical picture, which is typical for a banal sore throat, vomiting and diarrhea can be observed as a result of the action of toxins.

On the first or second day of illness, a rash appears on the body, and when the temperature rises, the patient may become delirious. On days 4-5, characteristic papillae appear on the tongue, the color of the mucous membrane becomes bright crimson. The disease begins to decline from 3-6 days: the temperature gradually returns to normal, the rash turns pale and disappears, the pharynx clears, and the patient's general condition improves, and appetite appears. Usually on the 8-10th day he already recovers, and only peeling of the skin, which begins on the 6-8th day after the onset of the illness, reminds of the past illness.

Spread of scarlet fever

Sources of infection are already infected people, especially in the first 10 days after the onset of the disease, when, during coughing and sneezing, they intensively release bacteria into the surrounding space. Most often, infection occurs within the room where the patient is. The things he uses can also be dangerous. In theory, it is possible for the infection to spread through toys, dishes and underwear, since bacteria can exist in dry environments.
