Scarlet fever is an acute infectious disease caused by group A streptococcus. Mostly children of preschool and primary school age are ill.

Step 1
The source of infection are patients with angina, scarlet fever and healthy-looking carriers of streptococci. Infection occurs by airborne droplets when coughing, sneezing, kissing. You can get infected through a common dish or simply by touching an object that was previously held by a sick person.
Step 2
The incubation (latent period) with scarlet fever lasts from 1 to 10 days, the patient is contagious 2 days before the onset of the first symptoms and about three more weeks. When the microbe enters the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, it begins to produce there a large amount of poison - erythrotoxin. Erythrotoxin destroys blood cells - red blood cells - and causes poisoning throughout the body. Under its influence, small vessels in the skin and in all internal organs expand, resulting in a characteristic rash and peeling.
Step 3
Scarlet fever usually begins with a sharp rise in temperature, patients are worried about severe sore throat when swallowing, headache, general weakness. A few hours later, a small, bright red rash appears that covers the entire surface of the body. A characteristic sign of scarlet fever is a thickening of the rash in the elbows, groin folds, and armpits. At the same time, the skin is very dry and rough to the touch (resembles sandpaper).
Step 4
On the face, rashes are localized mainly on the cheeks and temples, and the nasolabial triangle remains pale - this is another characteristic sign of scarlet fever. When examining the pharynx, you can see red tonsils, covered with a purulent bloom, while the tongue is crimson with sharply enlarged papillae. Doctors call it "flaming mouth".
Step 5
After a few days, the condition improves, the temperature returns to normal, the skin turns pale and very severe peeling begins, especially on the palms. This lasts about 10 days. With timely treatment started, the prognosis is favorable, but complications may still develop. The most common are suppurative otitis media, lymph node involvement, pneumonia, glomerulonephritis (kidney damage), and arthritis. Therefore, it is very important after recovery to monitor the child's condition and, if it changes, consult a doctor.
Step 6
Treatment for uncomplicated scarlet fever is done at home. Bed rest is prescribed for 10 days, a course of antibiotics, gargling with furacilin solution, chamomile decoction, eucalyptus. Vitamins and anti-allergic agents are also used if severe itching is troubling. After recovery, lifelong immunity is formed.
Step 7
- compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
- regular ventilation and wet cleaning in the room where the patient is located;
- children who have been in contact with the patient are allowed into the team after isolation for 7 days;
- vaccination against scarlet fever is not carried out.