Once the hallmark of almost any young lady was modesty, which was considered worthy of respect. Now everything has changed. To be shy, constrained in communication, taciturn means to become a “black sheep”. And, it would seem, a modern woman, who does not know embarrassment, should succeed in everything. But sometimes, despite all its advantages, she cannot achieve to be respected. And not just as a person, as a person, but as a girl.

Step 1
Look at yourself from the outside. Rate your appearance. If it is difficult to do this on your own, ask for help from a very close person (mother, sister, girlfriend, etc.). It is possible that the reason why you cannot inspire respect for yourself as a girl is in you. For example, when a representative of the fairer sex prefers revealing outfits (very short skirts, transparent tops and blouses, etc.), then it seems to her that she is modern, fashionable, relaxed. It would not even occur to her that her outfit is distinguished by tastelessness and even vulgarity. The same goes for makeup and hair. Brightness is not always a positive sign. If you are faced with similar problems, then they are not that difficult to fix. Change your wardrobe, hairstyle, makeup. When you are unsure of your own taste, seek advice from a trusted person. Your new style may well help change the attitude of those around you.
Step 2
The situation is complicated if the lack of respect is not due to appearance, but due to behavior. You may be intrusive, rude, overly outspoken, or curious. Such qualities are unattractive. In this case, you will have to work hard on yourself. Learn to notice the reaction of people to your words and actions, take into account their opinion, master the talent of the listener. Also, improve your vocabulary, books can become an ally in this. Over time, you will notice that you are perceived differently, as an interesting conversationalist.
Step 3
Show femininity. This quality is given to girls by nature. But someone skillfully uses it, and someone does not even suspect about its existence. In modern society, young people become careerists, business women, scientists, etc. In general, they are in no way inferior to men. And everything would be fine if they did not lose the ability to smile sweetly, flirt, flirt and just be beautiful. And it’s these little tricks that make the fair sex so attractive. By changing your image, becoming attractive, interesting and feminine, you will definitely be a girl worthy of respect.