Can A Nursing Mother Eat Corn

Can A Nursing Mother Eat Corn
Can A Nursing Mother Eat Corn

About whether it is possible for a nursing mother to eat corn, whole discussions sometimes flare up on Internet forums. However, this sunny cereal can also be a wonderful and healthy part of the diet.


When you can and when you can't eat corn

Two such cases can be named: if the child is less than 1 month old, or if the nursing mother herself suffers from flatulence after eating corn. In the smallest babies, the digestive system is extremely unprotected, and therefore both the cereal itself and its derivatives can cause abdominal pain in children.

However, starting from the age of one month, a nursing mother may well gradually introduce corn into her diet, carefully monitoring the baby's reactions to a new product. Does the allergy spill out on the skin? Does the baby start to be capricious and scream from the pain in the abdomen? Although corn is considered a hypoallergenic food, you need to be on the lookout for newborn babies.

What types of corn are the most healthy and safe?

The most natural and healthiest options for eating cereals are boiled cobs or corn porridge, also called hominy. Porridge can also be prepared for a child as a complementary food. The latter is cooked for a long time, however, the benefits of such a dish will more than pay off the time and electricity spent on it.

On the Internet, you can now find a lot of recommendations to buy ready-made baby food, which already contains corn grain. Say, it saves time, and the mixtures themselves are "maximally adapted" for children's stomachs. However, it is worth for the sake of the baby's health to discard the tips written on websites engaged by baby food manufacturers and spend a little effort on self-cooking corn porridge. Homemade hominy definitely does not contain preservatives and other substances undesirable for the body of babies.

Popcorn for nursing mothers is also quite allowed, but you need to monitor the amount of salt absorbed with it. What is definitely not recommended to eat is canned corn due to the presence of preservatives in the product.

A few words about the benefits of corn

Corn is a very respectable and respected product in different countries, which is distinguished not only by its pleasant taste, but also by its rich content of nutrients. In the end, the vitamins and minerals from this cereal, together with mother's milk, will "get" to the baby, and the fiber necessary for good bowel function will help a nursing woman maintain her health. True, those who are afraid of gaining excess weight should not get carried away with corn.
