Studies show that many smokers try to hide their addiction. And adolescents do it with special care, fearing condemnation and punishment from parents and teachers.

Step 1
It is easy enough to understand that your child smokes. Of course, teenagers are very creative and will try to confuse you in every possible way. Therefore, as soon as your child returns home from another walk, first of all smell his fingers. Breath odor can be easily neutralized with gum or air freshener. But the smell on the hands lasts longer.
Step 2
Of course, hand odor can also be removed if desired with soap or wet wipes. If this is the case, try smelling your hair and clothing. However, one should not shout and swear if the child categorically denies his involvement in this addiction. It may be true that other children smoke in the company, and your child is just next to them. Although you shouldn't relax, according to opinion polls of adolescents, this is the most common excuse for parents.
Step 3
Mom and Dad should take a closer look if, along with the characteristic smell, your child has developed a habit of frequently brushing his teeth, washing his hands and chewing gum. By doing this, teenagers are trying to hide the traces of smoking.
Step 4
Look for cigarettes in your child's room. Often they are in a backpack, in clothes, on a closet. If you find them, get ready to listen to the version of your child that a neighbor on a desk or a section comrade gave them for storage.
Step 5
Pay attention to how much pocket money you give your child, whether his needs have increased recently, check if prices have really risen in the school cafeteria. Often, parents lose change from their wallet, which they usually do not follow.
Step 6
A child who smokes is usually easily irritated, aggressive, and subject to frequent mood swings. Sometimes he has lethargy, lack of appetite, general well-being worsens for no apparent reason. Sometimes he pulls away when you want to hug or get close to him. If you recognize your child in the above description, prepare for a serious and difficult conversation.