How To Make A Man Not Forget About Himself

How To Make A Man Not Forget About Himself
How To Make A Man Not Forget About Himself

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Yesterday the man showered you with gifts, spoke gentle words, wanted to be constantly around, but today it seemed to have cooled down, completely forgot about you. Who knows when he'll be cute again. He decided to part with you, or maybe he just took a break. And you wonder how to keep your feelings from fading away.

How to make a man not forget about himself
How to make a man not forget about himself


Step 1

Falling in love, some women immediately offer a man everything: not only their care and tenderness, but also access to the most secret corners of the soul. Beware of being overly candid, especially in the early stages of a relationship. You do not know how he will perceive your passion for rare breeds of cats, what if he likes dogs? In this case, the romance may come to naught as soon as it begins.

Step 2

Try not to be mesmerized by first impressions, especially if your chosen one has a bright appearance. And even if you are already mentally trying on a wedding dress, resist the desire to find out how many children he plans to have. Perhaps planning. And even with you. But such questions will make even an experienced heartthrob retreat.

Step 3

Enjoy your romance! Accepting gifts and courtship, be grateful and sympathetic, sincerely rejoice at every minute. Of course, nothing lasts forever. But you will definitely have something to remember. And this is already a lot.

Step 4

Try to remain a mystery to him as long as possible. It is not necessary to introduce him to all your friends, take him to the dacha to his grandmother, involve him in car repairs, or ask for help in solving various trivial problems. If he really likes you, you do not need to constantly remind yourself. He thinks about you all the time.

Step 5

If a man has offended you - willingly or unwillingly, do not let this situation take its course. You need to make him understand that you will not tolerate ill-treatment, that you are not an empty place. All couples have difficult situations, overcoming misunderstandings makes the relationship stronger, but hushing up problems can bury even the most passionate romance.

Step 6

Don't forget your interests. You should not immediately rush to his call if you are helping a sick friend with the housework, and he urgently wanted to go to the cinema. Gently inform that the session will be tomorrow, and today you are busy. And, by the way, it is absolutely not necessary to specify what exactly.

Step 7

Be yourself in any relationship. You should not hold the attention of a man at any cost. If he forgot about you, one day you will surely meet someone who will truly appreciate you.
