Personality is a person from the point of view of social communication. Each personality has a large number of individual traits and properties that psychologists are trying to "sort through".

What is personality?
Personality is a close intertwining of the biological characteristics of a person and his social interaction with other people. A person who grew up outside of society (for example, children raised by wild animals), or who, due to their characteristics, is unable to communicate with others, cannot become a person. Each personality is unique and diverse.
In psychology, there are different opinions about what a person is. Some psychologists believe that personality is a collection of motives. Others, on the contrary, regard a set of attitudes toward situations and other people as a person. Z. Freud divided personality into three parts: "I" (conscious), "It" (unconscious) and "Super-I" (the ideal that controls our behavior).
Personality levels
The personality structure consists of several substructures. It is based on biological aspects: age and sex characteristics. This also includes temperament and type of nervous system, as they are congenital. At the next level are abilities, thinking, sensations, which can be both innate and acquired. A higher level is a person's social experience, knowledge, habits. This substructure is formed only in training. The highest level of personality is her view of the world, desires, ideals, aspirations.
Despite the fact that the personality is formed in a society with its rules and norms, the substructures of the personality are different for each person. It is very difficult to meet a person with the same type of temperament, character, upbringing and social experience. That is why people often find it difficult to understand each other.
Personal structure components
The structure of a personality is what it consists of, its elements and the connection between them. The basic elements of personality are motivation, will, cognition, emotions, character, abilities and self-awareness.
Motivation is needs and desires, what makes a person move forward. Will arises in difficult situations and when meeting obstacles. This is a conscious regulation of their behavior. Cognition is sensation, perception, imagination, memory. Emotions are a manifestation of the experience of any event. They help a person understand the significance of what is happening. Character is a skeleton of personality, stable, typical traits of a particular person. Abilities are characteristics of a person that are a condition for success in any business. Self-awareness is an inner experience of one's "I".