If a woman does not experience an orgasm, it is imperative to discuss this moment with your partner. The topic is quite sensitive, so it is very important to choose the right words in order to solve the problem and at the same time not offend your man.

Many modern women do not experience orgasm during sex. For some, this problem appears only with certain partners, but there are those who have never experienced such sensations. Sexologists assure that a conversation with a man in such cases is simply necessary. Orgasm is needed in order to fully achieve relaxation and relieve sexual tension. If you regularly imitate it, over time, feelings of dissatisfaction develop and this can lead to big problems in the relationship. A few simple tips will help a woman to properly build a dialogue on a very sensitive topic.
Don't postpone the conversation
It is better to talk about the absence of orgasm right away. It is not necessary to do this after the first sex, but if a woman admits to her man that she has not experienced sexual release for several months or years, it will be too late. Intimate life will enter into its usual rhythm and it will be more difficult to change anything. In this situation, the partner can be very offended by these words. He will perceive them as an indicator of distrust and reproach that the conversation did not take place earlier. As soon as a woman begins to understand that the absence of orgasm is not an isolated case, but a pattern, you need to try to convey this to your man.
Speak straight
In a conversation with a partner, you need to use precise wording. No long prefaces, introductory words and figurative expressions are needed. Many men do not understand hints and clues well. They need the clearest possible wording. This can be achieved even if a woman seeks to be tactful, afraid of offending her partner.
To have a productive conversation, you need to choose the right place and time. You should not start a conversation on such a personal topic when a man is tired after a hard day at work or something is not going well with him. This requires a positive attitude. A woman should tell her partner something like this: "Dear, I can't reach an orgasm, let's try to solve this problem together. Without you, I definitely won't be able to do it." You don't need to tell him: "We are fine, but it could be better. Think about what you are doing wrong."
It is better to choose a quiet and calm place for conversation. It is better to discuss intimate issues at home, so as not to accidentally be heard by someone and not be distracted by external stimuli.
Make hints
Many women have a rough idea of how to achieve an orgasm. They know their body well and understand what kind of caresses they enjoy, what sex positions they like the most. In a conversation with a man, you must definitely say this. There is no need to be ashamed, as there is nothing shameful about it.
It is better to discuss everything with your partner in advance, rather than give prompts during intimacy. A man may not like it, although some of these phrases even turn on.
Cheer up a man
After talking about the lack of orgasm, sexologists advise to somehow distract from this topic, try to cheer up your man. In no case should you reproach him, even if after the conversation, sex again happened, which did not bring the desired satisfaction. It is important to understand that this conversation cannot be easy for a man. Some perceive the words of their beloved woman as their "defeat", they begin to withdraw into themselves and the relationship deteriorates over time. To prevent this from happening, you can come up with something that could add variety. It could be a romantic dinner or a movie night out.
If everything went wrong in bed again, you still need to appreciate the efforts of your partner and thank him for listening to his woman and trying to somehow fix the situation. A pessimistic attitude will not be good.
Make the right conclusions
A conversation about the most intimate should not cause any violent negative emotions or complete indifference in a man. It is important for a woman to learn how to draw conclusions correctly. If the partner refused to discuss this topic, began to reproach or accuse, it is worth considering whether he is needed for later life.
If a man cares exclusively about his own pleasure, avoids talking about female satisfaction and does not want to do anything to solve the problem, he is selfish or simply does not feel any feelings.