Sex in the morning is pleasant because when you engage in it, you still do not fully realize whether you woke up or you are dreaming of everything. Lazy, unhurried weekend movements are good for waking up "on the right foot." For this kind of sex, the "Spoons" pose is the best fit. In another way, it can be called "lying position, spoon to spoon."

Pose "Spoons": technique
So, in this position, both partners lie on their sides, the man presses against his partner's buttocks from behind. Unhurriedly, he begins to insert his penis into the female vagina. A woman is advised at this moment to pull her legs to her chest to make the muscles of the vagina more tense - this pleases men. The partner can also bend his knees, press them to the female legs, connecting in a fetal position.
Modified Spoon Pose: Dessert Spoon
This modification of the "Spoon" pose has another name: a teaspoon. Here the woman needs to raise her upper leg so that her partner can penetrate deeper. It turns out 2 in 1: both pleasure from sex and good stretching.
Pose features
This position is very comfortable, but many people love it not only because of this. The beauty of the pose according to the Kamasutra is that the partner has absolutely free hands, he can use them to excite the girl from the front.
A woman can, at her own discretion, change the position of her legs - raise them vertically, throw them forward, stretch them along. So there is a lot to experiment with.
Pose "Spoon" is the best choice for sex in the morning, when you are too lazy to remember the intricate poses of the Kama Sutra, you just want to bask in bed, while getting a breathtaking orgasm.