If sex has ceased to bring you unforgettable sensations, then it's time to experiment in bed! Just do not start your sexual experiments with the difficult technical elements of the famous "Kamasutra", otherwise you cannot do without sex trauma. Butterfly pose is what will bring variety to your sex! She is able to give maximum pleasure to both partners.

Butterfly position
The technique of sex in the "butterfly" pose is as follows: the girl's legs lie on the partner's shoulders, but they should be thrown as far as possible. The girl will get special pleasure if she puts a pillow under herself or rests her back on the back of an armchair or sofa.
The pleasure of the butterfly pose
In this position, the girl is as open as possible, while the vagina is curved. The partner can insert the member very deeply. This position is perfect for those guys who have great masculinity.
Also "butterfly" will appeal to those who like to look into each other's eyes during intercourse, kiss passionately. To do this, a guy just needs to bend over to his girlfriend during sex.
Benefits of Butterfly Pose
If performed correctly, a vaginal orgasm is guaranteed for a partner. In addition, the man's hands remain free, he can dispose of them as he pleases - gently stroke his partner, stimulating her orgasm.
If a guy has problems with erection, then he can easily get out of the girl during sex so that premature ejaculation does not occur.
On what to have sex in the pose "butterfly"
The place of action must be chosen correctly. For example, do it on an armchair, couch, kitchen table, couch, or even a car hood. Indeed, during sex, the most important thing is convenience, comfort and pleasant sensations!