No, no real butterflies will kiss you. Butterfly kiss is so named for its lightness, as if the wings of a butterfly gently touch you. Tickling, exciting, unusual. In the arsenal of caresses for a loved one, a butterfly kiss is perhaps one of the most innocent, but vivid phenomena.

If we talk about the ways of expressing feelings, then the kiss of a butterfly is touching each other with eyelashes. With a butterfly kiss, you can complete intercourse as a token of gratitude for the pleasure presented. Or, on the contrary, start the foreplay with a similar romantic moment.
Butterfly kiss technique
Have you ever seen a butterfly in flight? She is graceful and light. Imagine a butterfly flying, feel the flutter of its wings. This is how your eyelashes should flutter while caressing your partner.
While in bed together, bring your face closer to your partner's face or body so that the tips of your eyelashes barely touch him. Try not to press on your eyelid. Blink frequently. You can blink and glide your eyelashes all over your partner's face and body, moving carefully so as not to break the required distance.
Surprise your partner by first tickling him with eyelashes and then kissing his lips in the same place. You can try lightly biting your partner's lips and then smoothing the bite with a butterfly kiss. The lips are more sensitive to the touch of the eyelashes than the cheek.
After giving a butterfly kiss, let your partner return the same to you! Try tickling each other's lashes at the same time to fully enjoy an unforgettable experience.
Butterfly kiss and cascade
Girls with luxurious hair can combine a butterfly kiss and a cascade. A cascade is a caress with hair.
After a violent intercourse, sometimes you want to express gratitude to your partner without words. Feel like a Japanese geisha or a Greek heterosexual, confident and able to give pleasure. Ask the man to lie on his back or stomach. Sprinkle his body with butterfly kisses for several minutes, having previously pinned your hair high on the back of his head.
Then suddenly unleash a cascade of your hair on your partner, freeing them from the hairpin. Move your head and body so that the hair flows and caresses your partner from top to bottom.
When you reach the penis, do not forget to reward it with light kisses of the lips. Do not risk touching the open head of the penis with eyelashes, this can be unpleasant. Simple kisses will do. Fast, barely perceptible touches of dry hot lips. If you want, you can complement the kissing with a light blowjob.
After such caresses, a man may want to "continue the banquet." Get ready for this turn of events. Enjoy yourself and give an unforgettable pleasure. Please your partner with your tirelessness and originality, and he will be delighted!