What Does The Apgar Scale Mean?

What Does The Apgar Scale Mean?
What Does The Apgar Scale Mean?

The Apgar score is one of three parameters that the mother of the newborn must report along with height and weight. But not everyone knows what these numbers really mean.

What does the Apgar scale mean?
What does the Apgar scale mean?

The Apgar scale is named after the woman who invented it. Anesthesiologist Virginia Apgar officially presented the system she had developed in 1952. According to it, the condition of the newborn is assessed in the first minutes of his life.

For neonatologists, the most important task is to quickly determine the well-being of the baby. For this, the following clinical signs are assessed:

  • heartbeat
  • muscle tone
  • respiratory activity
  • reflex arousal
  • color of the skin

Each of the signs is evaluated according to a three-point system - 0, 1 and 2. For example, in the absence of breathing, a score of 0 is given for respiratory activity. Then they are all summed up and the final score is obtained.

The child's condition is assessed at the 1st, 5th and, if necessary, at the 10th minute of life. The indicators are compared, and if the subsequent assessment is higher than the previous one, it means that the baby is successfully adapting to the new environment for him.

Indicators from 7 to 10 points are considered good. If the score is 5-6 points, the baby needs extra attention. A score below 5 points requires urgent medical intervention and indicates severe asphyxia. It is worth noting that a score of 10 points practically does not occur.
