When A Husband Can Hit His Wife, Is That Okay?

When A Husband Can Hit His Wife, Is That Okay?
When A Husband Can Hit His Wife, Is That Okay?

In family relationships, there are quarrels when spouses scandal with each other and throw out the most negative emotions. For some women, such situations can end very badly if the husband can not stand it and uses force.

Domestic violence
Domestic violence

Only a weak person can hurt a woman, beat her with anger. In the nature of a man is a tendency to aggression, in addition, men are much stronger physically. But to beat a weaker creature in the heat of a quarrel, when both are emotional, is not courageous behavior and not an indicator of a man's strength. This can only be done by cowards who have no strength and arguments left to argue. After all, a strong man will never touch a woman in such a situation, he will stop the argument, shut up, leave, leaving the showdown for the time when both partners cool down and begin to look at things more adequately.

Unacceptable physical abuse

If your husband hit you - this is a bad signal, this behavior may be repeated in the future, especially if the woman does nothing. In no case should you tolerate beatings. Yes, the next day, the culprit of the situation can regret, kiss hands and promise that this will never happen again. But if this behavior was not noticed for the first time, then in the midst of a quarrel or while intoxicated, the husband will surely forget all his promises, and physical abuse will be repeated again. You must definitely contact the police, and no matter how much you love a man, leave him forever.

Justified measures

However, there are cases that psychologists call justification for the use of force against a woman. First of all, it is a slap in the face. She is considered a female method of sorting out the relationship, but if a woman can apply it to a man, then he is allowed to do the same. A slap in the face is used when a woman has done something shameful for her or her family: she cheated with another man, endangered herself or a child, or did some kind of outright and dangerous stupidity. In this case, no one will blame the man for the slap in the face.

Game form

Another case of the use of force against a woman is by mutual consent, on the eve of intimate caresses or during them. This physical impact is usually used in a mild form: slapping with a hand or other objects can perfectly arouse both partners. If a man in bed hints that this behavior is pleasant for him and brings more satisfaction, you should try and agree with his desires. This will satisfy your partner and add variety to your intimate relationship.

As punishment

However, physical influence in marriage is not always used with sexual connotations. This can be a negotiated punishment measure. You are both adults, it is a little strange to use physical punishment in adulthood, but it is not forbidden, as it should be with children. Some husbands consider this to be the most effective method for raising wives, much better than quarrels, scandals, or separations. Only the woman herself can decide to agree or not to agree to such measures, because any violence against her should be excluded.
