If You Don't Want To Make Love To Your Husband

If You Don't Want To Make Love To Your Husband
If You Don't Want To Make Love To Your Husband

The relationship between lovers usually goes through several stages. Alas, very often they end during the period when boredom settles in bed. And your once loved one doesn't turn you on anymore. You should not disagree only for this reason, you should restore the old relationship.

If you don't want to make love to your husband
If you don't want to make love to your husband

If you don't want sex with your husband, then ask yourself a question. Do you need him as a person, do you still have feelings for him. If everything has already burned out, then it is almost impossible to save such a marriage. You cannot exist together without feelings for a long time. But if love still lives in your heart, then it's time to fix the problems in bed.

Some people assure that in no case should you tell your husband about such a situation. That his self-esteem will decline, he will feel flawed. This is true, but only if you tell him without preparation that you do not feel satisfaction from having sex with him. Of course, you need to conduct the conversation differently.

First you need to discuss the situation. After all, these are your common problems and your family. Should not be chopped off the shoulder. Try to talk gently about the situation. After all, many couples after several years of marriage experience problems in sex. Perhaps the spouse has the same feelings. Do not be surprised at this. Everything in the world is boring, and your sex cannot be an exception.

To have great sex, you need to change. And both. Most likely, monotony in bed weighs you down. And the novelty can revive your passion. Try role-playing games. Become a secretary, an innocent girl, or a strict teacher for a while.

Well, if a man does not go for changes, you will have to act on your own. There are few options. Cardinal - cheating on your husband with a casual partner. Sometimes it helps to stir up old feelings. Expensive - to purchase various devices in a sex shop and try to get aroused with them at the time of foreplay. Quite difficult - in the place of the husband, to represent someone else. Only this will have to be done almost constantly.

Each of these options can produce different results. One did not help - use the second. If you could not cope with this situation, then there are two ways out. Or get divorced, give your loved one and loved one into the wrong hands. Or wait, because after a while this stage will end in the relationship.
