Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of a dysfunctional pregnancy termination. In addition, nicotine can have a detrimental effect on the health of an unborn baby.

Smoking and spontaneous abortion
Perhaps everyone knows about the dangers of smoking during pregnancy. But few people understand how harmful the effect of nicotine on the fetus can be.
According to studies, smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of spontaneous termination by almost 2 times. Smoking expectant mothers should think about this and give up the addiction as soon as possible. It is advisable to do this a few months before conception, but if this did not happen, you should quit smoking immediately after the news of the upcoming motherhood.
When nicotine enters the body of a pregnant woman, it immediately penetrates the placental barrier and causes vasospasm in the placenta, resulting in oxygen starvation in the fetus. In some cases, this can trigger a miscarriage. In late pregnancy, smoking can cause premature maturation of the placenta as well as premature birth.
Due to constant oxygen starvation, smoking mothers give birth to weak, sick children. Most often, babies are born prematurely. Scientists have proven that smoking during pregnancy also provokes mental abnormalities in a child.
The consequences of smoking a future mother
It has already been proven that regular cigarette smoking during pregnancy can have dire consequences for a child. Some deviations may appear immediately after the birth of the baby, and some become noticeable after many years. Sometimes people are not even aware of the exact reason for which they suffer from this or that disease.
Children born to mothers who smoke often get sick during childhood. As a rule, they lag behind their peers in development. The infant mortality rate among babies born to women who smoke is significantly higher than among those children whose mothers have never smoked.
Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of having babies with serious disabilities such as autism, cleft palate, cleft lip.
Children of mothers who smoke often suffer from mental disorders. They are prone to depression, are often irritable, and occasionally experience feelings of anxiety.
Studies have shown that children born to mothers who smoke very often become smokers themselves when they reach a certain age.