Pregnancy While Studying

Pregnancy While Studying
Pregnancy While Studying

The first pregnancy for many women occurs during their student years. According to statistics, modern women most often give birth to their first baby at 19-24 years old, less often at 24-28 years old. Today we will talk about how to combine study and pregnancy.

Pregnancy while studying
Pregnancy while studying

What is the first thing to decide for a pregnant student?

The most important thing to do is to prioritize yourself. After all, study can wait, but the child will not wait. Therefore, pregnancy should be in the first place for you. With studies, nothing will happen. In extreme cases, no one has canceled academic leave yet.

What problems can pregnancy bring while studying?

Psychological. For full-time students, it will be a little harder to get used to the idea that new life is new rules. It will be difficult to watch your classmates having fun every day, knowing that this is fun in the past for you. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to give up many personal interests, from going to clubs, from extreme sports. Now your task is to bear and give birth to a healthy and strong baby. Is it more important than buying a new handbag or meeting another boy in the park?

Difficulties with teachers. To our deep regret, not all teachers make concessions to pregnant students. Moreover, some of them shamelessly begin to "blame" the expectant mother on the exam. It is not known what these persons are guided by. It is especially stupid when there are women among such teachers. One gets the feeling that they too quickly forgot how they themselves were in position and coped with all the difficulties that arise during pregnancy. Well, okay, let it remain on their conscience. The good news is that there are very, very few such teachers. For the most part, they are quite adequate people who willingly make concessions to pregnant students.

Absenteeism and tails. It's no secret that pregnancy is often accompanied by problems. Many mothers have to go through toxicosis, heartburn, and the usual malaise. What kind of study can we talk about when there is only one desire - to get under the covers and lie there until it becomes easier? The most offensive thing is that pregnant female students (and not only female students) have such a feeling almost 7 days a week. From here, truancy appears, because of which difficulties begin in relations with teachers and the dean's office.

Constant fatigue and discomfort. Pregnant female students are advised to warn teachers in advance about their interesting situation. It is very difficult to sit for an hour and a half without a break in one position. Explain that you need to go out into the hallway a couple of times a couple to walk. To be in one position for a long time is harmful. If you clearly explain this to the teacher, no one will mind if you get up during a couple and go out into the corridor.

Pregnancy while studying is not the end of the world


Study and pregnancy can be combined. The main thing is to tune in to the positive. Pregnancy is not a disease, you don't have to pretend to be poor and tired in order to get credit. Teachers will willingly meet halfway if they notice that a pregnant student is happy to attend lectures and is interested in studies.

If your pregnancy is not proceeding in the best way, if you see that it is impossible to combine study and pregnancy in any way, take Academic. There is nothing wrong with that. Now the little man who lives under your heart is much more important. Believe me, teachers will not be offended if you say goodbye to them for just 1 year. It will be much better than trying to combine what cannot be combined for some reason.

Once I myself had to make sure that combining study and pregnancy is not so easy. As a pregnant student, I came to a session in another city (at that time I was already studying at the correspondence department) and on the 3rd day of the session I was hospitalized with a threat of miscarriage. At that time, the gestation period was 7 months. Do you think it was worth it? Maybe it would be wiser to take an academy in advance and enjoy the pregnancy? Study is study, and the child is more important. It is a pity that the realization of such simple truths comes too late. As a result, I still had to take an academic leave, because I didn't want to go back to the university after a two-week hospital stay. My daughter's health was more important to me than her studies.

Don't worry, thousands of girls go on sabbatical and then return to school. In most cases, this is a wise decision. In addition to this, pregnant students have 2 more exits.

If the expectant mother is a full-time student, you can transfer to correspondence course. It's still much easier to appear at the university 2 times a year than every day. J Arrange for an individual visit. You can find out more about this in your dean's office. I warn you right away, few universities meet halfway with pregnant students and agree to an individual visit. The maximum that can be achieved is the early delivery of the session. By the way, this is exactly what my former classmate Lena did. A month before giving birth, she passed the session and calmly went to collect bags at the hospital. All the teachers went to meet the expectant mother halfway by signing the record book and wishing her good luck.

Pregnancy while studying is not a disaster. Learn to always look for the pros, not the cons. For example, when you finish your studies, the child can already be sent to kindergarten. And you will go to build a career with peace of mind. While your girlfriends will have to quit their jobs during pregnancy. By the way, many employers, when hiring an employee, set a condition - no children in the next X years. This will not be an obstacle for you. You will already have a charming toddler, which you managed to give birth to during your studies.

I wish you health, may pregnancy during your studies not become difficult for you.
