When Is The Best Time To Take A Pregnancy Test

When Is The Best Time To Take A Pregnancy Test
When Is The Best Time To Take A Pregnancy Test

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All girls planning the birth of a baby are interested in when it is better to do a pregnancy test in order to see the cherished two stripes.

When is the best time to take a pregnancy test
When is the best time to take a pregnancy test


Step 1

Most manufacturers of pregnancy tests recommend that they be performed only after a delay in the next period. At the same time, in the instructions, you can see the recommendation that urine should be collected in the morning, and not in the afternoon or evening.

Step 2

As you know, pregnancy can occur if unprotected intercourse was on the day of ovulation or the day before. Further, the fertilized egg moves along the fallopian tube for 5-10 days, after which implantation occurs - the attachment of the ovum to the wall of the uterus. After implantation, the pregnancy hormone hCG appears in the blood, and its amount doubles daily.

Step 3

A pregnancy test determines the content of hCG in a woman's urine, where the level of the hormone is slightly lower than in the blood. This point should be taken into account in order to choose the best moment to conduct the test. At the same time, the results of testing carried out in the morning immediately after waking up will be more accurate than the indicators in the urine collected in the afternoon or in the evening, since the concentration of hCG in the morning urine is higher.

Step 4

To find out when is the best time to take a pregnancy test, you can make rough calculations of the increase in pregnancy hormone levels.

Step 5

If you take a test strip, you can see its sensitivity in the instructions. For a regular test, it is 25 mUI. If the hCG level exceeds this limit, then the test result will be positive.

Step 6

For our calculations, we will take as a basis a pregnancy test with a sensitivity of 25 mUI. The test reacts to the presence of the pregnancy hormone hCG in the woman's blood. With a sensitivity of 25 mUI, the test is able to show a positive result if the hCG hormone in the woman's urine exceeds this bar

Step 7

If we take the date of unprotected intercourse, which coincides with the day of ovulation, as a starting point, and take the average number of days before implantation for calculation, then it can be assumed that approximately on the seventh day, the content of hCG in the blood increased to 2 mUI. Then, on the eleventh day after ovulation, its amount will increase to 36 mUI, and only on this day can the test show the presence of pregnancy.

Step 8

Most likely, the second strip on the test will be weak, since less pregnancy hormone is released into the urine, and the calculated figure will barely reach the test sensitivity level.

Step 9

The average woman ovulates 14 days before the start of her next period. Thus, a pregnancy test can be positive even 3 days before the delay.

Step 10

But if the implantation was late, and the ovum was attached only on the tenth day, then the test will be positive only after a delay in menstruation.

Step 11

More sensitive test strips are now available on the market. Therefore, answering the question when it is better to do such a test during pregnancy, it can be noted that it is possible to determine the presence of a future baby in a girl's tummy even before the delay.
