How To Get The Girl You Love Back

How To Get The Girl You Love Back
How To Get The Girl You Love Back

Almost all loving people have a period when the only way to develop a relationship is to part. But what if you love this person very much and cannot live without him?

How to get the girl you love back
How to get the girl you love back

Agree, parting is an unpleasant thing? Many people know how girls behave in such situations: at first, there is a long period of sobbing into a pillow, thoughts of suicide, drinking alcohol, etc. But not everyone knows how guys behave in such cases. The girls are sure that the guys in such situations do not worry too much, they begin to start relationships with other girls and quickly forget about their former lover. But this is not at all true! In fact, more than half of guys have a hard time breaking up, often asking the question "How to get the girl you love back?"

What to do?

If you seriously decided to return your beloved, then first you should define a plan of action. In no case should you call your ex-girlfriend every 5 minutes, beg to return, threaten, blackmail with suicide, etc. All these actions will cause a reverse, completely unnecessary reaction. Reduce contacts to a minimum - you can communicate about common affairs, hobbies. Don't remind her of your relationship (ideally, you shouldn't discuss this topic with her at all). Also, do not use former affectionate words - for example, "sun", "baby", etc. It is best to behave as if you are just friends - this behavior will calm the girl down a little, help her psychologically relax, because in her soul she still has feelings, thoughts related to parting, which do not allow her to calm down. Only after some time can you begin to show her attention, but! Don't be too pushy!


Ask the girl to say the reason why you broke up, remember for yourself what exactly she accused you of and what shortcomings she pointed out to you. Based on this information, give an objective assessment of your behavior and identify your mistakes. If you want to win the lover's favor again, you will have to correct the flaws and behavior that annoyed her.

He came to the witch: "Come on, conjure me up!"

Some guys and men, after being abandoned by a girl, turn to various witches, fortune tellers and psychics with a request to return their beloved. To be honest, this is not the best way to get a girl back. In addition to the fact that you will lose money (none of the "sorcerers" will never work for free), you can also miss a chance and a time in which you can still change something.


One of the worst and most meaningless ways to get a girl back. Some men take revenge on their former beloved girls, starting short intrigues with other girls, trying in this way, supposedly, to calm down the pain of parting in the soul. And now, having already replaced a dozen girls, the guy realizes that the pain and bitterness of parting has not passed. Moreover, a new feeling appeared in my soul - a feeling of emptiness and self-loathing. This is the result that men who choose this option come to.

Let's sum up

In conclusion, it should be said that there are always chances. If you really believe that you and your beloved will be together again, then this will be so. The main thing is not to doubt and slowly, but systematically, go towards your goal.

In contrast to this conclusion, one can also say that the statement of Heraclitus "You cannot enter the same river twice" is often confirmed. It is a very common phenomenon when people who have met a second time break up again, because they do not see the point in repeating the same relationship as they were before. That is why it is simply necessary to work on yourself at a time when you are just getting ready to return your beloved girlfriend.
