How To Tell A Decent Man

How To Tell A Decent Man
How To Tell A Decent Man

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Meeting men is a moment when a woman must not only appreciate his appearance and sociability, but also his intentions. Only an experienced lady can distinguish a decent man among the multitude of those who crave profit or use a lady for other purposes.

How to tell a decent man
How to tell a decent man


Step 1

Pay attention to details. At the very beginning of communication, men make you quite clear about what they want from you. Therefore, always be on the lookout for a moment of revelation. Talking about your meeting in private, a decent man will offer you several options, ask what you would like. Don Juan will openly declare his intention to get to your home or invite you to inspect his home, while the gigolo will begin to crumble in promises of a romantic evening, which will surely make your head spin.

Step 2

Communication on the Internet or on the phone also speaks volumes. Dishonest men do not waste time on correspondence, but immediately offer to meet, they are limited to short and abrupt phrases. If a young man only does that by chatting with you on the Internet, but does not bring the moment of meeting closer, this is an alarming sign that he may be married. Attacking your social media page with gifts in the form of flowers, hearts and other romantic manifestations can indicate both immaturity and Don Juanism.

Step 3

A decent man will be sincerely interested in communicating with you. He will ask questions and talk about himself, find out your interests and compare them with his own. The conversation about the meeting will begin after some time of communication on the Internet, and only after you have time to like each other.

Step 4

The first meeting point can tell you what your new acquaintance is like. A secluded place will indicate a Don Juan who wants to seduce you as soon as possible. The choice of a secluded and remote from civilization cafe may be the desire of a married man to hide from acquaintances. Alphonse will book a table in an expensive restaurant and, most likely, will play the scene of a forgotten credit card.

Step 5

After some time of intimate communication, notice the correlations between words and actions. If a man talks a lot, but does not even think of doing anything from what has been said, it is better to get rid of this relationship. A decent representative of the stronger sex will be clear in the wording, will promise only what is really going to and will be able to fulfill.
