What Kind Of Person Can Be Called Decent

What Kind Of Person Can Be Called Decent
What Kind Of Person Can Be Called Decent

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Decency is a quality that is inherent in a highly moral person, he acts for the good of society and puts the interests of society above his own. A decent person will not go to baseness for his own benefit, he does not betray his principles.

What kind of person can be called decent
What kind of person can be called decent


Step 1

Decent people have been described by Russian writers at all times. Often they tried to show how a difficult era affects a decent person, what qualities it reveals in him, what problems it puts him in front of, and how a decent person gets out of all these difficulties. Even if everything does not always work out, even if sometimes a decent person is defeated, this does not stop him, does not force him to change his rules. For example, Chekhov writes that a decent person is "honest, deserving of respect, not capable of low deeds." Chernyshevsky in his novel What Is to Be Done? trying to find an answer to how to behave as a decent person in difficult circumstances. He says that "… I wanted to portray ordinary decent people of the new generation."

Step 2

Decency at all times was associated with high moral principles of a person. His relationship with society strives for the ideal, at least a person does everything for this. He is not late, does not neglect commitments. If a decent person has promised, then he will do everything to just keep the promise. A decent person is certainly open, intrigues are not compatible with his character. It is easier for him to honestly tell another about his dislike than to intrigue and try to organize a trap.

Step 3

Reliability is a character trait that can only be present in a decent person. It can manifest itself in anything, but you can rely on such a person, you can trust him: he will not give away the secret. If you tell him something important, then he will keep a secret, even if it hurts his own interests.

Step 4

To better understand what decency is, it is helpful to consult dictionaries. They all say roughly the same thing, but in different words. This is a person who is incapable of immoral and base deeds. He is honest, following the rules of conduct accepted in society. Decency consists of virtues such as generosity, generosity, self-esteem, honesty, and kindness. You can call a decent person predictable in terms of how your communication with him will be built. And this is what allows you to rely on him as yourself.

Step 5

Is it easy to be a decent person? Is this an ideal personality with no flaws? Not at all. The inner world of a decent person does not differ from the inner world of any other. In the same way, various excitements occur in him, he is torn to pieces by aspirations and desires, temptations pull to the side. But decency is also the ability to cope with oneself, to overcome bad inclinations. A decent person is one who knows how to overcome himself, his vicious desires and laziness.
