Consolidated is an adjective that in Russian denotes a certain type of relationship between relatives. It is important to remember, however, that the relationship between step relatives is not based on consanguinity.

The term "consolidated" in relation to family ties is most often used when it comes to brothers or sisters. However, at the same time, stepbrothers or sisters do not have consanguinity.
Step brothers or sisters
The appearance of half-brothers or sisters in a person is based on the entry of one or both of his parents into a new marriage. In this case, the previous marriage, in which the husband and wife were his natural parents, is subject to dissolution. Thus, the remarriage of a parent with a new spouse is one of the prerequisites for the appearance of a half-brother or sister.
The second prerequisite for the emergence of a relationship of this kind is that the new spouse or spouse of the mother or father of this person has one child or several children. It is they who will become the half-brothers or sisters of the person in question in the event of remarriage. Thus, having children with a new spouse is the second prerequisite for the emergence of a relationship between half-brothers or sisters.
In other words, stepbrothers or sisters have no real blood ties with each other. Their relationship is based on the marriage of their parents. For example, a girl's mother may marry a young man's father: in this case, the young people will become half-brothers and sisters. A similar relationship can develop between the children of spouses, regardless of the gender of these children. At the same time, in this case, the age of the children at the time of their parents' marriage, as well as whether they live with them or separately, does not play a role.
Misuse of the term
The terms "half-brother" or "half-sister" are often misused. The most common is their use to refer to a relationship between siblings based on partial consanguinity. For example, this happens in a situation where they have only one parent in common - a mother or a father. In this case, respectively, the fathers or mothers of such children will be different.
However, it should be borne in mind that the correct use of the term "consolidated" refers to situations where there is no blood relationship between brothers and sisters. If there is a partial consanguinity, it would be correct to use the term "incomplete" - for example, "half brothers" or "half sisters". It is this terminology, in particular, that is used in the current Russian legislation. In addition, to denote this type of relationship, the expressions "half-blood" are also used if we are talking about the presence of a common father, or "single uterine" if the children have a common mother.