It is believed that there is no dispute about tastes and that beauty can be different. This is confirmed by the concepts of beauty that exist among peoples with different cultures. Even among representatives of one culture, the concepts of beauty change greatly over time, it is enough to recall what was considered beautiful in the Middle Ages. But there are also common signs that make a person beautiful.

Step 1
The concept of beauty is dictated by the aesthetic sense of a person, and this, in turn, is determined by proportions and geometry. "Correct" faces and figures were considered beautiful at all times: these are even and symmetrical features of the face, as well as proportional to each other and evenly developed elements of the whole body. Their proportions were derived in ancient times, and over the millennia of human history, they have not changed, unlike fashion. For example, the famous drawing by Leonardo "Vitruvian Man" was not invented by him, but only reflected ideas about the proportions of an ideal human figure.
Step 2
Researchers have long found that most of the "ideal" proportions of the human body obey the golden ratio. But when you look at a person and find him beautiful, it is unlikely that you first figured out by eye how much his body parts relate to each other. Revealing the proportions of the beautiful is natural for a person. The ability to do this quickly is called good taste, which can be nurtured, just like the eye.
Step 3
If so, is beauty really the lot of the elite, and the rest can only regret that nature did not award them with ideal proportions? Not at all. Even the most beautiful person will not be considered so if he has "launched" his own appearance. The original proportions determine only the image of a person, and what he turns into depends only on the person. Neatness, cleanliness, well-groomed, harmoniously developed figure, well-groomed hair and skin: all this makes any person beautiful.
Step 4
Another way to improve your appearance and become more beautiful is to choose your clothes carefully. There are people who suit almost everything, but there are very few of them. Most people look much better when they wear certain styles and colors of clothing. Finding a style that makes your figure attractive is very important. But fashion is better to ignore within certain limits, because it is fashion that often makes people wear things that spoil people and make them funny.
Step 5
It is fashion that changes and makes the ideals of the past ridiculous in the eyes of contemporaries. For example, in the Middle Ages in Europe, it was customary to pluck the hair on the forehead to make it appear taller. Pale skin was tremendously prized, and the ladies went to great lengths to achieve it, from bloodletting to various pigment-burning face masks. Paleness was appreciated as a sign that an aristocrat never worked in the field and could spend the whole day in his chambers in idleness. It's funny that in the modern European world, tanning (even achieved artificially) is valued for the same, as a symbol of the fact that a person may not work and spend time in the fresh air.