The word "dynamics" has ancient Greek roots and means "strength", "power". It is no coincidence that Nobel called the explosive invented by him of enormous destructive power "dynamite". And now more and more often you can hear such an expression as "dynamic person".

Who can be called a dynamic person
When a person hears the phrase "dynamic man", we are not talking about a mighty hero, and even less about a subject possessed by a mania for destruction. This definition has a completely different meaning.
This term is interpreted very broadly. For example, a person does not need to have prominent muscles to be called dynamic. The main thing is that he be energetic, proactive, decisive, "punchy". A dynamic person is one who can quickly and clearly determine what exactly needs to be done and begin to complete the task. He is not one of those who hesitate long and painfully, afraid to make a decision. A person knows what he wants and how to achieve it, that is, he has a plan.
At the same time, he is not afraid to take responsibility if necessary. He likes to take risks.
In addition, a dynamic person is an active person in every sense of the word. He constantly wants to learn something new, to learn something, to broaden his horizons. Routine, measured life is not for him. A dynamic person is not satisfied with the achieved success, he sets himself new tasks, milestones, and tries to achieve them.
An easy-going person can also be called dynamic. Get off the ground if a burning ticket turns up? For him, it’s easy. Go to another city, to a concert of your favorite vocalist or rock band? A couple of trifles. And it is a pleasure to go to a picnic in the summer!
A dynamic person is an optimist by nature, he does not lose heart and does not give up when faced with problems and difficulties. He charges with his energy, mobility of the people around him. Such a person will almost always come to the aid of his loved one.
Therefore, dynamic people often make good leaders and organizers.
Is it always good to be a dynamic person
However, dynamism should not border on frivolity, adventurism, irresponsibility, and cause inconvenience to other people. For example, an easy-going person came to visit old acquaintances. It would seem, what's wrong with that? But he just came without warning, thereby frustrating the plans of the owners. Or he persistently dragged his acquaintances to a picnic, not paying attention to the unfavorable weather forecast. As a result, the company was caught in a thunderstorm, suffered through fear and got wet through and through. It is not for nothing that they say that everything is good in moderation.