For many girls, meeting and communicating with a guy's parents becomes a big problem. After all, the young lady so wants to make a good impression and please the closest people of her young man that she begins to behave unnaturally, and this does not at all contribute to the establishment of good relations.

Step 1
Try to look good at all times. Choose neat, non-provocative clothing to meet with the young man's relatives. Give up for a while from short skirts, tight-fitting T-shirts, a strong scent of perfume. And better cover up your tattoos and piercings. Do not smoke or drink alcohol in the presence of your boyfriend's relatives.
Step 2
Be nice, polite. Watch what and how you say it. Do not use slang expressions, especially mat. Don't tell your parents the intimate details of your relationship. Communicate on neutral topics, in any case, do not touch on political, religious, racial issues. Don't argue or interrupt. Refrain from evaluative remarks regarding the interior of the parents' house, their family structure, hobbies. Try to listen more than talk.
Step 3
Address your friend's parents by name and patronymic, and the young man by name. Avoid affectionate expressions such as "honey" or "cat" in their presence. Don't openly show your feelings for each other to your parents. Leave strong hugs and kisses for an intimate setting. But don't resist if your friend hugs you or takes you by the hand.
Step 4
Help parents when appropriate. Suggest, for example, cooking, setting the table, washing dishes. But do not be intrusive and do not insist if your help is not needed. Remember that you are a guest at your boyfriend's parents' house. Never compete with the mom of the chosen one in any area.
Step 5
Calm down if from the first days you did not manage to win the favor of his parents. Most importantly, their son likes you. And do not pay attention to the manifestations of aggression and discontent, remain always polite and tactful. Do not criticize your parents, especially in the presence of a young person.