Old age not only makes people wiser. People are weakening, their habits, tastes and character change, they are less likely to compromise. But parents will always remain parents, and, having passed into the category of old people, they will also need the attention and respect of their own children, and not receiving it, suffer and continue to worry.

Step 1
Don't deprive your parents of your attention. In old age, his absence is felt more than ever, because the social circle of older people is quite narrow, and interests are still focused on their own family. If you live apart, not only call, but also visit your parents more often.
Step 2
Ask your parents for advice, talk with them about their life - this can really be useful to you. By talking to your parents heart to heart, you show them your love and respect for their experiences.
Step 3
Live separately from your parents as long as you can, and your parents are relatively healthy and do not require special care. Old people have a hard time getting used to a new place, and you will have much less reasons for irritation and conflicts that periodically arise when living together.
Step 4
Take care of your parent's home. Help them keep the house tidy and cozy. Make it as comfortable for the elderly as possible.
Step 5
Help your parents stay busy so they will have less time for the senile blues. This may relate to housekeeping, if you live together, helping with children, performing simple assignments. It is important for parents at any age to feel that they are needed and that they are coping with their responsibilities.
Step 6
Try not to quarrel with your parents - you will not change them in the little things, and quarrels over fundamental issues can greatly affect their health and mental state, which, ultimately, will concern you. It is quite difficult to do this, but the peace in the family is worth it.
Step 7
Take care of your parents' health. Listen to their complaints. Try to visit your doctor periodically with them.