Usually, the initiative in a relationship comes from the man. He asks for a first date, achieves a second, calls and sends messages. But not all guys are decisive and self-confident: you will have to learn how to communicate with some shy young men.

How to get an indecisive guy?
Make it clear to the young man that you have feelings for him. It is not necessary to inform the young man about it directly, so as not to seem easily accessible. Hint, use body language and flirting, these two ways will work together. Smile at him sincerely when you meet him, look into his eyes for a long time and shrewdly, and make compliments. Play with a curl, stroke your thigh, and play with a shoe at your fingertips.
Intrude into his comfort zone. If he is standing near the newspaper, go and take it, and at the same time "accidentally" touch him. During a conversation, approach him, looking into his eyes, lick your lips, and then whisper a little secret or news directly into his ear.
Touch it more often. Playful strokes on the head or arm. Reassuring pats on the shoulder. If something very good happens, hug him for joy. Accidental touch when walking, touch with your foot when sitting next to. During a long meeting, you can wearily rest your head on his shoulder if you are on friendly terms.
Ask him for help more often to give him the opportunity to conquer you. Not reaching the top shelf? Call him for help. Bank does not open? He will help with this. Deliver reports, fix the computer, print documents, and any other tasks he can do.
Show him your care and affection. Dress beautifully and femininely, emphasize your dignity. Take care of him if he looks tired. Cook something and treat him to lunch at lunchtime. Make cute gifts for the holidays.
How to change an indecisive guy?
Not all girls are able to tolerate such a young man nearby, especially if they are going to start a family. Since it is the man who has to solve many problems, so it is worth helping him develop the core.
Praise an indecisive young person for any initiative. Even if something went wrong, there is no need to scold and scold him, encourage him for trying. Any criticism can frighten off his desire to change. If he does not feel your encouragement, an indecisive guy can return to his "shell" again and not try to be active anymore.
Trust him. In this state, it will be important for him to know that you believe in him and support him in any situation. Often, insecurity arises from the fear of doing something wrong. Make it clear that your feelings for him will not change if he makes a mistake.