For every normal girl who truly loves a guy, learning about his betrayal is a huge shock and misfortune. The reaction of a lover to this sad news depends on many reasons: character, habits, temperament, upbringing, depth of feelings for the "insidious cheater." In any case, it is very unpleasant and painful! It's hard to imagine how he hugs another, how he whispers in her ear the same kind words that made you in awe.

Step 1
After you find out about the betrayal of your loved one, try to calm down and weigh everything. Do not start to sort things out right away, it is better to sleep with these thoughts. Having spoken a lot of nasty things in the heat, you will not solve the problem, but only aggravate it.
Step 2
When you wake up, think about what prompted your beloved to take such an unpleasant step. Maybe you have recently become cold, insensitive and callous towards him, but the man needed affection, tenderness, so he went to look for her on the side.
Step 3
If you decide to once and for all erase it from your life, you should not finally arrange scandals and tantrums. Just leave quietly, wishing him happiness and good luck in later life.
Step 4
If you are ready to forgive him, you need to talk seriously, but this does not mean that you need to solve the problem in a raised voice, sit down and calmly find out what was the reason, what he wants to see your future relationship.
Step 5
Explain to him how unpleasant this fact is to you, because if he were indifferent to you, then your heart would not bleed so much at the mere thought of treason.
Step 6
Sometimes it happens that a man, having changed, realizes that he does not love you at all and that you are not made for each other. As sad as it may sound, you need to let him go. In no case do not beg to stay, this will not add to your self-confidence, and in the eyes of a man you can fall.
Step 7
Think, there are pluses everywhere, perhaps you couldn’t do what you love before, but now give yourself up to it completely. Go to a beauty salon, change your style. Remember that life does not end after cheating.
Step 8
As a rule, infidelity most often occurs due to a cooled relationship. If that's your case, add more romance to your life, such as having a candlelit dinner.
Step 9
And if you have forgiven your loved one, you should not remind him of the betrayal and reproach him with every quarrel.