Loving someone else's husband is like killing yourself deliberately and gradually. Indeed, in most cases there is no chance of turning from a mistress into a wife. But the likelihood that you will torment yourself and suffer for a long time is very high.

Step 1
Conduct an independent assessment of your personality. Think about who you are and what you have achieved in life. Think about your plans for the future and try to connect all this with your new romance. Does it work? Remember that whoever you were before a relationship with a married man, now you will have to forget about your feelings and obey his whims, while occupying far from the first place in his life.
Step 2
Be honest about why you need this relationship. If in order to feel needed and loved, then this is just an illusion. You initially doom yourself to a relationship without a future, which is not too late to end.
Step 3
Pay attention to yourself. Often, a person, finding himself in certain conditions, ceases to think objectively and to assess the situation from different angles. This probably happened in your case as well. Instead of looking after your beauty and getting the attention of men, you exhaust yourself with love for the person who is using you.
Step 4
Break off the relationship. But do it not in a fit of emotion, but after a cold and clear analysis. Why is that? Because on emotions, you can say that the relationship ends, and then you realize that you do not have enough strength and motivation for such an act and, as a result, you yourself will resume them.
Step 5
Get busy. If there is an opportunity to improve your qualifications as a specialist or go on a business trip, be sure to accept the offer. It will be a breath of air for you, which will give strength and determination to live your full and independent life.
Step 6
Learn something new. Now is the time to be convinced of your own worth and achieve success. Do something that you haven't had enough time for for a long time. This will help you distract yourself from sad thoughts and give you a sense of your own worth by seeing your own progress.
Step 7
Think positive. In any situation, you can find pluses, and even more so in yours. Think about how much free time you will have, focus on the fact that now you do not need to sit and wait for his call or visit - you have the right to manage your time on your own, you will not be tormented by your conscience because you are destroying your marriage, and perhaps you are depriving the children of their father.