How To Forget A Married Man

How To Forget A Married Man
How To Forget A Married Man

Table of contents:


Sometimes it happens that a woman falls in love with a married man. Their romance can be short, or it can drag on for a very long time. As a rule, such love does not bring happiness, because the connection has to be carefully hidden, the duality of one's own position sometimes exhausts a woman, both are tormented by consciences. Lovers decide to break up. Often in such a situation, a woman cannot forget her beloved, because, in her opinion, he leaves not from what he has stopped loving, but only obeying a sense of duty.

How to forget a married man
How to forget a married man


Step 1

You cannot order the heart, but after all, a person is called reasonable because he lives not only by instincts, but also by his mind. Try to convince yourself: this situation was simply humiliating for you. Even if now is not the old times, and the word "mistress" no longer evokes universal amicable condemnation.

Step 2

Think: you are an adult, independent woman, you have something to love for. After all, otherwise this man would not pay attention to you. So, can't you really create a real family, with another man, become a legal spouse, and not a mistress?

Step 3

Try to boost your self-esteem. Analyze your behavior, think about what adjustments it would be worth making in order to be interesting and attractive for the opposite sex. Maybe you should radically change your image: make a new original hairstyle, update your wardrobe.

Step 4

There is a rather harsh but effective way to forget a man: to get angry with a former lover. Say, he settled well, lived with two women at once. Convince yourself: if he really loved you, he would find the strength and courage to part with his wife. Since he did not part, it means that he did not love you, but only used you.

Step 5

Try to convince yourself of the correctness of the decision made and with such an argument: every extra day spent with a married man reduced your chance to arrange your personal life. After all, over the years, alas, no one becomes younger and more beautiful. Therefore, do not mourn the past, but start looking for a person who will truly love you, offer a hand and a heart. It’s quite real.

Step 6

Attend parties, theatrical performances, concerts, go to bars - where you will surely meet a lot of men. Register on dating sites.

Step 7

To distract yourself from painful thoughts, find yourself some interesting activity, a hobby. Try to go to the resort, because there are likely to be men you will be interested in.

Step 8

A short, non-binding romance, will return you confidence in your attractiveness and feminine charm, will help to throw your old unhappy love out of your head. And who knows, maybe it will grow into something more serious.
