The decision to give birth and raise a child is a very serious and responsible step for a couple of any age. In developed countries, there is an amazing trend: despite government support in the form of social programs, benefits for education and assistance in acquiring their own homes for families with children, “young” parents are getting older, and many even abandon the happiness of motherhood and fatherhood.

Cons of having a baby from young parents
The most common reason for the widespread negative attitude towards early fatherhood and motherhood is that recent school graduates understand little about life, therefore they are not ready to take a responsible and intelligent approach to raising a child. It’s not even that they didn’t walk up, and such marriages often break up after several years of “playing as adults” - the reason is youthful maximalism, inability to build long-term relationships, lack of their own life position and experience.
Another disadvantage of early childbirth is financial insolvency. Pregnancy and maternity leave immediately after school or college deprive the family of a solid part of the total budget. A young father, who, as a rule, does not work in the highest paid position, will not always be able to give the child and his mother everything they need. Therefore, such families often depend on relatives.
In addition, at a time when all free or childless friends and girlfriends gain financial independence from their parents, start buying clothes that they like, regularly update gadgets, and vacation abroad, a young family is forced to change priorities in their own spending and save. This happens until the woman goes to work, and later, a solid share of the earnings goes to the child, and not to entertainment.
With regard to employment, this is also a separate disadvantage. If a young mother did not work before the birth of the baby, she may have problems, since all employers are sure: a small child means eternal sick leave and time off. Of course, no one can refuse for this reason, but there is a possibility that after the interview they will give preference to a childless candidate.
A young married couple, as a rule, their own parents are not old, that is, they are not retirees who can fully devote themselves to the child, thereby providing the opportunity to work and relax for the newly-made mom and dad. However, this circumstance can be considered as a plus, because in this case they can always help financially.
Pros of having a child in a young family
As for the advantages of motherhood and fatherhood at a young age, there are quite a few of them, as it might seem at first glance. One of the most important positive aspects is that young couples are not too "confused", so much is easier for them. If a 35-year-old woman gives birth to a child, she thoroughly studies all the problems associated with pregnancy, early baby development, medications, diseases, kindergartens, toy manufacturers and others. Such parents should have everything under control, so the head is full of information, which in some cases is superfluous. But for young people, a lot goes by itself, because at this age you look at life in a different way. By the way, with regard to heavy sleepless nights in the first year of a child's life, young parents remember this less often, since the majority of the requirements for regime and comfort under 25 are not too stringent.
Also, an important advantage of having a child in a young family is the health of the parents. In conditions of poor ecology and the presence of long-term bad habits by the age of thirty, people may have acquired diseases that will affect the baby. In addition, the risk of pathology and development of congenital fetal anomalies is much higher if the expectant mother is over 35 years old.
Families with early children are also happy because a full-fledged life of parents begins when many have the first difficulties associated with the birth of children. For example, a baby appears in a 20-year-old woman and a man. At first, young and energetic relatives actively help them, but then the child grows up, their own mothers and fathers retire, and the career of the young is moving up. After 30 years, travel begins - separate and together with the child, there is still a lot of energy to find a hobby or take up extreme sports. But those who delayed the birth of a child, during this period, there is a real withdrawal. Until recently, there was everything - career, nightlife, travel, money, freedom - but now it all comes down to a screaming baby and his needs. It is in older mothers that postpartum depressions are longer and deeper.
It is sometimes said that at an early age, future parents completely lack the instinct of motherhood or fatherhood, as if they themselves need care. This is a very controversial argument, but it is true that it is easier for children to find a common language with a young mom and dad. It is enough to think about the fact that if a child was born to a couple at the age of 35, then at the wedding of their own child, most likely, it will be possible to walk only after the 60th birthday, or even later. And this despite the fact that the average life span of a man in Russia is 59 years! That is, it is highly likely that the child will get up on his feet after graduation without any parental support at all.