How To Prepare For Your First Sex

How To Prepare For Your First Sex
How To Prepare For Your First Sex

The first sex is always a very exciting event for both the girl and the guy. In order not to embarrass yourself when performing the first intercourse, you need to behave correctly and prepare for this action.

How to prepare for your first sex
How to prepare for your first sex

First sex for the fairer sex

In order not to embarrass yourself during the first sex, carefully prepare for it. You shouldn't forget about intimate hygiene. The best way to epilate is by visiting a special salon or by doing it yourself. Choose beautiful and clean lingerie and look forward to meeting your beloved man. Do not forget about the means of protection. You can opt for condoms or start taking birth control pills. However, the second option is only suitable if you are sure that your sexual partner is absolutely healthy, and the pills should not be taken on the same day when you are about to lose your virginity. If you are preparing in advance for this event, visit your gynecologist and ask him for advice.

When a girl first goes to bed with her boyfriend, she is very worried, tormenting herself with the question of whether she will be hurt. In fact, it is impossible to specifically answer this question, since girls have different organisms, therefore, the sensations during the first intercourse are very different. Someone may not feel pain at all, but someone will have to endure unpleasant sensations. In order not to embarrass yourself in front of a guy, mentally prepare yourself for the fact that you are unlikely to reach an orgasm. Don't expect anything incredible from sex. The pleasure will begin to come only with time.

First sex for the stronger sex

For a guy, the first sex is no less significant event than for girls, so the preparation for it should also be appropriate. The first thing you have to do is prepare mentally, and it is better to choose a sexual partner responsibly. It will be better if your first intercourse is with the girl you love, as mutual feelings are calming.

If the girl is also a virgin, you should buy a special lubricant, she will help you. You shouldn't forget about the condom either.

The worst shame that scares young men is that they will not have an erection or orgasm will come too quickly. This can only be avoided if you are mentally prepared in advance for such an event. It will be better if you warn your partner in advance that you will have sex for the first time, so nothing magical will happen to you. Also take care of intimate hygiene.
