Before getting to know each other, making a date and starting a further relationship, the girl wants to know if the man has a partner.

Signs of having a woman
The presence of a wedding ring.
It is corny, but still a fact that says that the man is busy. Wherever it is: on a finger, in the glove compartment of a car, in a pocket - it is, and, therefore, there is a wife.
If a man is hiding something, then there is someone. If he lives alone, then this is not necessary, all the money belongs to him. And in the moment with the stash, at least 4 reasons were revealed: firstly, you need to hide more, and secondly, better, thirdly, to own it alone, and fourthly, to spend on your own needs.
The presence of a belly.
One of the signs of family life is regular hearty dinners, the result of which is excess weight.
Eye expression.
It can be explained by only one phrase - “a well-fed and satisfied cat”. He doesn’t need anyone, he’s not bad anyway. There is no seeking gaze, no spark in the gaze. If a man sees an attractive girl at a nearby table in a cafe / restaurant, he may look at her, but it is unlikely that it will fit (“I would have met you, beauty, but I really do not want to get up from the table …”) …
March 8 is a “rainy day”.
Before every Women's Day, a man rushes like mad to the shops in search of the right gift.
Women's accessories on the shelf in the bathroom.
A sure sign: she moved in with him. This is indicated by things like a toothbrush, underwear, chains, cosmetics, perfumes. In such unusual ways, girls “explore the territory”.
Smells in the house.
The smell of freshly cooked food, the aroma of the odor remover - all this is the result of female life. After all, when she was not there, nothing smelled.
Signs of the absence of a woman
Lunch or dinner at a cafe / restaurant.
Where else? It is long and difficult to cook something yourself; it is also inconvenient to call other girls. There are only 2 options left: the first is to cook dinner on your own, for which there is often neither time nor desire, or to eat in a restaurant. The second, undoubtedly, is much easier and more enjoyable.
Empty refrigerator.
The main sign of a lonely life. But, nevertheless, there must be at least something in it. As a rule, this is what will require a minimum of time for preparation - dumplings, canned food, sausage, beer.
Slightly wrinkled shirt.
That is, it is not ironed at all. But, according to the men, she is still not visible under the jacket. Knowledgeable women claim that men will never learn to iron.
A mountain of dirty dishes.
There is no more unpleasant occupation than washing dishes! In addition, it is practically useless to do this, since all clean dishes become dirty in a matter of seconds. There is one great recipe: use only a couple of plates and one mug. True, on this basis, a man is identified as a bachelor.
Porn magazine.
Joint viewing of naked bodies is for advanced and open-ended couples. And you can count them on your fingers. So - either a few ladies in a magazine, or one in bed. The choice is up to the man.
A mess in the apartment.
Since ancient times, the main responsibility of a woman has been to keep comfort, and men - to get food. If you wanted progress, you got it. Today women themselves can get their own food. And men have to clean up their bachelor apartments themselves.