For most people, Egypt is the pyramids, the warm Red Sea, and beautiful palaces. At the same time, this is a great anise tea that cures colds, and unsurpassed cotton and, of course, sultry men.

Today, a sufficient number of European women are married to Egyptian men. It is worth remembering that this is a different culture, different values and foundations in society. What will the Egyptian husband be like and what to expect from him?
It so happened that there are very few real men left. Whether it is an Egyptian. A strong man who takes on almost all problems and responsibilities is just a godsend for European women. In addition, the man himself sees no reason for admiration. According to the Koran, as well as the established foundations, it is a sacred duty to support a wife and children. Women accustomed to male drunkenness and laxity are fascinated by Egyptian men.
Quite a common situation. A man supports a family, which means that he exercises control over all financial issues. He decides what to buy and what not. Moreover, such dictatorial habits extend not only to financial issues. They, as a rule, delve into all the problems: what to wear, where to go, and how to properly raise a child.
The Egyptian man seeks to control everything. And most of them require a full account of the wife. The need to call and report, even if you just walked into a coffee shop with a friend. This annoys European women terribly. The man's arguments on this matter are simple and logical. They explain this behavior by worry and concern. Of course, such overprotection is not always pleasant, but, in the end, for peace in the family, you can call your beloved husband once again.
For most men, the distribution of roles is taboo. These men will not wash dishes or vacuum. By their standards, this is the lot of a woman. They even need to pour and serve a cup of tea.
Good mother
If you decide to send your child to kindergarten, an Egyptian man will immediately assure you that only bad mothers send their children to kindergarten, and a good mother never gets tired of her child and simply has to tinker with him right up to school.
Egyptians are distinguished by increased jealousy and emotionality. If you had a male friend, forget about him. In Egypt, women are friends with women, and men are friends with men. Intercourse is also not accepted by married couples.
It is rather difficult to get used to the Egyptian mentality, but it is possible. If you have chosen an Egyptian man as your companion, then it is better to ask in advance what awaits you. In addition, such men also have many advantages. They are teetotal, romantic, funny, love their family and children. And the bikini taboo? Is this the most important thing in life?