Some girls think that as soon as they find the perfect figure, put on a provocative skirt and sexy lingerie, all men will consider them desirable. Maybe it will, but only for one night. To become sexy and desirable for your man for life, you need to know some secrets.

Step 1
Be sexy and attractive. Love yourself, pamper your body. If a woman admires herself, her forms, then men also begin to perceive her as desirable and delightful. Don't skimp on yourself. Go to massages and other pleasant cosmetic procedures - they give pleasure, teach you to feel your body, enjoy. Buy expensive perfumes and quality products for face and body care. You will become much more attractive and enjoy beauty treatments.
Step 2
Don't become a second mom for your man. By shielding him from all domestic problems, you put him in the position of a little boy. Stop feeling sorry for him and constantly help out. A real man should be able to solve both his and your problems. And if your lover perceives you only as a mother, sooner or later you will cease to be desirable for him sexually.
Step 3
Be feminine. It means soft, tender, helpless. Women's weakness is your man's strength. Feeling like a real knight next to you, a man will always desire you. Don't forget about the visual manifestation of femininity - long hair, high heels, skirts, scarves. Develop an erotic charm - be light, flirty, lighthearted.
Step 4
Become a great lover. Have fun with sex and share your sexual fantasies with your beloved. Examine your man, find out his erogenous points, touching which causes instant desire. Learn to do erotic massage, perform striptease.
Men are always attracted to variety, so feel free to try on new looks. Become for him a sexy nurse, an inaccessible model, a playful student, a passionate courtesan. Change, and your sexual sensations will be enriched with new colors.