Divorces are not uncommon these days, not only women but also men suffer from them. Moreover, women's emotions are manifested most acutely and deeply in the first weeks and months after a divorce, and feelings come to men later. A man needs to know the peculiarities of his psychology in order to survive a divorce normally.

Step 1
After divorce, most men are not inclined to indulge in sadness. It is no secret that for most men, family life is synonymous with chains, therefore, many perceive divorce at first as gaining freedom. Even if the divorce occurred on the initiative of the spouse, the man still draws bright plans, intending to bring to life everything that was not allowed for him in family life. However, you do not need to paint yourself too rosy pictures. As a rule, disappointment comes later. You need to be prepared for the fact that the bachelor life will cease to seem happy very soon.
Step 2
Some time after a divorce, a man usually begins to understand that his wife was not so bad. This is not necessarily a sign that you made a mistake. It's just that over time, the bad tends to be forgotten, and the memory begins to give out pleasant memories. The man begins to think if the divorce was the right thing to do and worries about whether he made a mistake. This stage occurs in a fairly large percentage of men. You just need to be ready for it, so as not to torment yourself with remorse when it comes.
Step 3
When divorcing, you need to try to stay in a normal relationship with your ex-wife. Do everything so that the woman takes offense at you as little as possible. Firstly, then you yourself will feel at your best and avoid remorse in the future. Secondly, an offended woman can significantly ruin your life. Take care of your mental health and part in a civilized way.
Step 4
When there is a child in the family, make sure that divorce affects him as little as possible. Continue to communicate with him, even if you do not communicate with your ex-wife. Children do not have to suffer because of the difficult relationship between mother and father. Feeling that you are the same dad for the child as before the divorce will help maintain a sense of stability.