Surviving a divorce, regardless of its cause, is a strong emotional shock and tension. Divorce is more than breaking up a relationship. This is the loss of stability, daily routine, joint dreams and plans, and often, as a result, financial difficulties.

- Maintain physical health. When experiencing such a painful event in life, it is easy to forget about sleep, proper nutrition or exercise. However, maintaining physical health will help you recover emotionally. Avoid overeating, fast food, or refusing to eat. Don't try to use alcohol or drugs to numb the pain.
- Try to pamper yourself in a variety of ways on a regular basis. For example, a hot bath with aroma oils, massage, reading a book, walking in a calm, scenic area, or watching your favorite movie. Taking time out and taking care of yourself can heal your trauma faster.
- Understand that divorce is a process. It is wrong to rest on your hands and feet, abandoning it, or vice versa, trying to get it over with as soon as possible without looking back. Instead, focus on the essentials like shelter, food, and protection. Then take your time to choose an appropriate explanation for the events and be aware that your emotions will change throughout the divorce process.
- Find a way to support yourself and set new challenges. Surround yourself with people with whom you feel better and stronger. Set yourself new goals, dream about the future. Dreaming does not mean wasting time if it helps to envision an independent and happy future life. If you need to talk to a professional about the emotional experience of a broken marriage, do so without hesitation.
- Find a positive use of your emotions instead of hiding feelings in yourself, being constantly angry or indifferent. Such emotions keep you in a past that was not happy, otherwise you would not get divorced.
- Get ready for regression, bad days, and uncertainty. This is part of the process. Give yourself a break when emotions overwhelm you, but try to stick to a more or less stable daily routine. Seclusion from society can be beneficial, but if it becomes a habit, you can turn into a miserable hermit.
- If you have children, do not involve them in your experiences. Talk to them calmly about what's going on. Let them know that they will always have both parents and that you will get through these difficult moments. Prepare for behavioral problems and emotional outbursts. To make the divorce as painful as possible, it is better to have a psychologist work with the children.