Family disagreements are common and often happen. But one thing is when the spouses argue, but at the same time listen and understand each other, and the other is when, during a quarrel, none of them wants to compromise. The latter case threatens the disintegration of the family, so urgent action is needed. And first of all, this should be done by the woman - the keeper of the hearth. How to understand your husband when it seems that he is not behaving the way he should?

Step 1
Think, and who needs what you ask from your husband? For example, you are not happy with the fact that he cannot take the TV to your mother's dacha for a long time and is constantly looking for various excuses. Now ask yourself the question, who needs it - him or your mother? If your husband visiting his mother-in-law feels free and easy, he likes to be there and communicate with her, then most likely such a problem simply would not arise. When in each situation you ask yourself, “in whose interests it is,” then you will finally begin to understand your husband and the motivation for his actions.
Step 2
Stop being offended by your husband, better think about how to make him want to fulfill your request himself, i.e. it became "in his best interest." Maybe you will promise him something pleasant or create special conditions for the execution process itself.
Step 3
Learn to give in and compromise. In the end, the relationship between spouses should not be based on the principle of “who owes and owes what to whom,” but on a sense of responsibility for their family. It is very important to be able to meet your husband. But just do not accuse him that he does not understand you and does not meet you halfway, this will lead nowhere. You need to start with yourself, take the situation into your own hands and, by your own example, by your own actions, show how it should be.
Step 4
Find the courage to make one of the decisions: leave or stay. After all, be that as it may, the situations are different, and sometimes all attempts to understand the husband are broken against the wall of his egoism and cruelty. Then you need to take a sheet of paper and write out in two columns the reasons for leaving and for staying. If the comparison of the columns turns out to be not in favor of keeping the family, you need to find the strength in yourself and make the decision to leave. If there are more reasons to be close to your husband, then do not give up your attempts to understand him and accept him as he is.