If a woman is always attentive to her husband, then she will catch the changes that are happening to him. There are little tricks that will tell you that he is unfaithful to you. So how to understand the betrayal of a husband?

Step 1
First, take a closer look at his appearance. If he suddenly suddenly began to take care of his appearance, it is worthwhile to be wary. Previously, without your reminder, the husband did not change his shirt, he could go through a week in one, but now every day he demands a fresh one. It's the same with the hair. Just recently, it was impossible to drag him to the hairdresser, and now he is constantly neatly cut. At the same time, going to work in the morning, he fiddles in the bathroom for a long time, spraying various antiperspirants and deodorants on himself, and then turns around in front of the mirror, picking up a tie.
Step 2
Secondly, pay attention to the changed schedule of his work. For some reason, evening meetings suddenly became more frequent, unexpected business trips and unforeseen rush jobs appeared, which must be raked up on weekends. If this has not happened before, then you should think about it.
Step 3
The third sign of cheating is diminishing attention to your problems. If before the husband was always interested in your affairs, tried to suggest something or help in the household, now he does not have time for this. All his thoughts are occupied with new relationships, you have faded into the background for him. Pay attention to this. Sometimes it happens that, trying to make amends for his guilt, the husband is trying to show increased participation in your problems, but it looks like it is somehow very playful.
Step 4
Another way to understand your husband's cheating is to look at the change in his salary. If he spends part of the money on the side, then, naturally, he tries to explain this by a decrease in the premium, a crisis in the organization and other reasons. For the sake of entertainment with his mistress, the husband cuts the family budget, which cannot go unnoticed. Of course, this is circumstantial evidence, but in combination with the others listed above, it should give you a reason to think.
Step 5
If you are already suspicious, then in order not to remain in the dark, look into your husband's mobile phone. Surely the new passion left her messages there. Or maybe you will see an unsigned number, to which calls were made very often. If you hear your husband's suspicious conversation on the phone, then after him, imperceptibly look at which subscriber he was talking to.
Step 6
Eavesdropping, of course, is not good, but if you already have some suspicions, then these are the methods that will help bring the cheater to clean water.