A woman puts into the concept of "love" care for a man, a willingness to delve into his troubles, a desire to constantly be aware of his affairs, not to skimp on kind words, signs of attention, compliments, and to show tenderness. Not receiving this from her beloved, she sometimes reproaches him. A man, bewildered and annoyed, throws up his hands angrily: well, then he does not understand at all what else these women need! The result is a conflict, mutual resentment. The girl asks the question: how to teach a man to love correctly.

Step 1
Understand and remember a very simple thing: a man is different, literally in everything. It is pointless to wait for him to think and act like a woman. This is unrealistic. Men in their actions are guided by a completely different logic, and they have a different scale of values. What is important for a girl may seem like an insignificant trifle to a young man, and vice versa.
Step 2
Understand, too, that no man can read other people's minds. And he simply does not understand hints (even the most obvious, clear, from the point of view of a woman). Therefore, if you want compliments, gentle words, tell him about it directly! Get out of your head the thought: "If I really loved, I would have guessed it myself." Only honestly: do you yourself often guess what a man is thinking, what he would like?
Step 3
Do not forget that the vast majority of men hate empty, meaningless chatter. And to this same chatter they attribute endless repetitions of the same thing, even assurances of love. By the way, here is another serious mistake of a woman: to equate the concepts: "The absence of words about love" and "The absence of love, as such." Understand: if a man does not speak from morning till night how ardently he loves you, this does not mean at all that he does not love you!
Step 4
If you want to get more tenderness, attention, care from a man, act gently, with truly feminine art. No reproaches, scenes, scandals. Unobtrusively, tactfully lead him to the thought: “Well, since this is so important to her, why not overpower yourself? Women love these little concessions. Do not forget to sincerely praise the man, showing how pleasant his compliments and signs of attention are to you.
Step 5
Young people, unlike girls, think rationally, the logic of actions is very important to them. Therefore, you can achieve your goal by explaining that it will only benefit him if he becomes a little softer, more emotional, more attentive to people (including you, of course). For example, it will be easier for him to conduct business negotiations, attract new clientele. An argument like this will surely do the trick.